The problem is most people never have any experiences with a "real" lawyer. They make up their minds based on the media. Unfortunately, it is the unscroupolous minority of attorneys who file absolutely absurd lawsuits and win.
Seabear, you are leaving out one major point in all of your examples. The lawyer only brought the suit it was a JURY that awarded the absurd settlements in these cases. If juries didn't award STUPID awards lawyers wouldn't file the suits. Ever heard the saying that a jury is made up of twelve people too stupid to get out of jury duty???
All, I am in no way defending the absurd examples that we all see in the media. They are truely ridiculous and are an embarrasment to our legal system but to classify all attorneys by the actions of a few is wrong as well.
I have had experience with a lot of lawyers. I worked for several of them in various capacities that I am not prepared to discuss.
That being said, there is something about history that should be noted.
It used to be that the final test of a law was wether it could be enforced in a court. Let me give you an example. Let's say I was caught speeding, I then went to traffic court and demanded a jury trial. At the Jury trial, I amditted that I was speeding, but then went on to show to the Jury that the law was stupid, and should not be enforced. If I could make a solid enough case, then the jury would find me innocent.
Now, it seems that the Jury is instructed that despite their individual feelings about the law, that they must make their findings based on the law. As a result, the public's control of the law has been taken away. Sure, we can elect other politicians, but when was the last time a politician took the time to get a law removed from the books? There are places wher it is still illegal to leave a car unhitched when not occupied. Sure, I doubt that law is ever enforced, but if it is, and the jury is instructed that they must make their decision based on that law, Then how are they to find a person ticketed for failing to hitch their car when there is no hitching post and no reason to hitch the car in the first place without feeling that they've broken the law themselves?
Andy says that these lawyers make a mockery of the justice system, he's right. But at the same time he insists that the only way to deal with any kind of problem is to hire a lawyer. What exactly does this say?
The good Samaritan Laws have been brought up, Most people seem to think that eliminates the possibility of any legal hassles, but it does not. The good samaritan acts are legal defenses. While they were new and popular with the press, some DA's took the time to defend people based on those laws. It was good press for a person wanting to climb in politics. Now, you will pay thousands of dollars to "try" to prove that you are exempt do to the good samaritan laws. I'm not certain about the laws in this, but I seriously doubt that there is any practical way to recoup this loss.