Lawyers Evil or Saints?

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I don't disagree with your examples I fully agree that there are many absolutely STUPID lawsuits but I'm just saying you can't lump all lawyers into that category. ...edited....

I'm sure there are some fine lawyers out there that are wonderful human beings. I just have not met any of them. Nor have I had any dealings with them in any way shape or form.

What I have met are lawyers who looked at other people s pawns in a big game. And they were willing to do anything they thought they could get away with to win. You would not believe some of the things I have done for lawyers, and some of the things I have refused to do.
Ok, what is the law?

Shouldn't it be a simple measure of responsibility and right and wrong?
Yes it should, but even that isn't so simple, as it is a matter of interpretation. It's a paradox!!!
some americans do not feel safe using a public toilet without calling in and checking with their lawyer first.

I realize that y'all se yer selves as the glue that holds democracy together, but excessive litigation is tearing the country apart.

oooh aahhhh oooh aahhh - snow can i break in fer a minute?

ANDY can i go to the bathroom now PUHLEEZE?!?! ;)
We would not have heard about the lady who burned herself on hot coffee from Mac's if the judge on the case read or heard the first argument and said "This is crazy and there is no basis for any law suit."


Maybe the judge read it and decided there was a basis.
Andy's response on how to deal with anybody seems to be call a lawyer.

ah... er... please don't assume stuff about me.

in fact, my first response to anything is DON'T get a lawyer
involved. people should work out their differences without
a lawyer. in fact, if people did that, lawyers would starve
to death.

the fact is, a lot of people have sufficiently difficult
problems that they can not resolve them themselves,
between themselves.

hence, a society provides a means of dispute resolution that
does not involve people feuding and dueling over their

this is called "a legal system."

when people can't fix their own problems, they go to the
legal system rather than shooting each other.

but, by all means, if you can solve your disputes with others
without resort to lawyers, i salute you. that's what i try
to do every day of my life.

do you know now many suits *I* have started? zero.
none. zilch. nada. not a one.

all the suits i've ever been involved in are somebody else's
problem (my clients).
Didn't most (or all?) judges used to be lawyers?
No I didn't.

ok... sure looks that way to me, though :eyebrow:

That's not what you told me before.

lol... in a different context, Snow, in a thread were the
fact that i was a lawywer was irrelevant.

so i ask you now... what cha think about lawyers? :wink:
Andy, you're just too cool bro...I know I was right in turning down law school....I don't think I'd been able to keep my cool as good as you...:rofl:
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