Ladies I need a book recommendation please

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Check out Carl Hiaasen - not real on your edge of the seat murder mysteries but mysteries (kinda) all the same. Definately tropical! All are good - Basket Case, Sick Puppy, Lucky You, Native Tongue, Skin thight, Double Whammy, Tourist Season and the 1st one I read was Stormy Weather. If you read any of these let me know what you think of Skink. Unfortunately he isn't in all.

Okee dockeee, here is the best sommer read I've had in a long time. Dan Brown's
Angels and Demons &
The Da Vinci Code. Both of the books are unbelievable!!!!!!!!! Do try to read them in the order he wrote them.....Angels and Demons comes first.

He has two others that I will be reading this summer.

Nothing better in the summer than a good read and a cold glass of fresh brewed ice tea.

My dive buddy in Honduras loaned me a book recently...La Cucina. I can't remember the author and I've already returned it. It was romantic and a bit spicy, a little quirky, and touched on issues of being a strong woman in a repressive culture. The use of humor was fabulous and characters were genuine.

Check out Carl Hiaasen - not real on your edge of the seat murder mysteries but mysteries (kinda) all the same. Definately tropical! All are good - Basket Case, Sick Puppy, Lucky You, Native Tongue, Skin thight, Double Whammy, Tourist Season and the 1st one I read was Stormy Weather. If you read any of these let me know what you think of Skink. Unfortunately he isn't in all.


Word of caution - some are quite violent and all have a bit of darker humour!

I LOVE Skink :)

My fav of Hiaasen's is Double Whammy - I laugh so hard.

Definitely excellent plane books.
Hey guys, thanks for the reco on Nora Roberts' The Reef: I'm going to try getting my hands on that book!

One author I've enjoyed tremendously by way of good ol' adventurous thriller with a small dose of romance thrown in is Clive Cussler. I've read pretty much all his books. They involve these hunka-hunka burnin' love NUMA (National Underwater Marine Agency) guys sailing, flying, scuba diving around the world in search of bad guys to bust and super accomplished hot women to hook up with. Not too girly, not too macho.

Incidentally, NUMA is a real organization that Cussler founded to research our underwater heritage, going all over the world in search of shipwrecks. There's even a TV show now: Seahunters.
One author I've enjoyed tremendously by way of good ol' adventurous thriller with a small dose of romance thrown in is Clive Cussler. I've read pretty much all his books. They involve these hunka-hunka burnin' love NUMA (National Underwater Marine Agency) guys sailing, flying, scuba diving around the world in search of bad guys to bust and super accomplished hot women to hook up with. Not too girly, not too macho.

Incidentally, NUMA is a real organization that Cussler founded to research our underwater heritage, going all over the world in search of shipwrecks. There's even a TV show now: Seahunters.

I totally agree on the Clive Cussler recommendation. Besides the wonderful fiction novels, his Seahunters I and II are great. Details of the research and actual search for different wrecks is quite interesting to this SCUBA diver.

Jean M Auel, Earth's Childerns series - Clan of the Cave Bear.(First book)

Diana Gabaldon - Outlander (First book).

Both series now have 5 (big) books out, and the last parts are in the make, so this should have you covered for quite a few plane trips...
Both authors also did years of research before writing the books, so they're not goofy at all. I enjoyed them a lot.

Hi Pauline,

You mentioned Diana Gabaldon. She's the author of a couple of books I read years ago and just loved. I don't remember if Outlander is the name of the first one or not. If so, I'd love to get the other three. The original was about a woman who passes through time to Ireland? and meets a man and falls in love and lives there for awhile then comes back. Sound familiar? If it's the same one as you've mentioned, would you please tell me the names of the whole series? I've been out of the reading loop for awhile myself.

Thank you,

I just saw this in Rodales - going to see if Borders or Barns & Nobles has it today -
Olivia Joules & and Overactive Imagination by Helen Fielding. The Review says: a beautiful journalist-turned-spy who scuba dives her way through madcap international waters.

Wow can't we all relate to this lifestyle? No? well we can pretend :D

I'll let you know if it is a good read.
hey all! thanks so much for the suggestion for "The Reef". I picked up up at a used bookstore before going to Coz for a wonderful 4 days! It was perfect! While I was there I notice that Caribe Blu (GREAT little Hotel) had a little bookshelf for guests so when I was done I exchanged it for "The Villa". Another good one.
I would recommend the #1 Detective Agency books by Alexander McCall Smith. I think that there are 5 book now and they are great light reads. I also just finished Skipping Christmas by John Grisham which was very funny and not like his usual stuff. Plus another vote for any of Nora Robert's mysteries.

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