Certainly try to hook up with some locals when diving La Jolla or use the lineups on the divebums website. Getting to the different walls is often (but not always) key to finding cool stuff. Post on board when you're coming down next.
I like that fact that the Shores always seems to turn up some interesting stuff. Here's a list of just a few of the things we've seen there:
Dolphins, Pacific Electric Ray, 4ft Halibut, gaint sheephead, batrays, hugh shoals of bait fish, diving cormorants, Giant Black Sea Bass, dead 8ft Thresher Shark, seals, the squid run, big walls, nubibranchs of all different type and sizes, the list goes on.
While conditions are not always stellar and sometimes the surge can be substaintual, if you get out often enough you get some great days.
And as a previous poster said, then there's Scripps Canyon, which is fantastic! Huge plunging walls, one of the best dives I've done.
Certainly try to hook up with some locals when diving La Jolla or use the lineups on the divebums website. Getting to the different walls is often (but not always) key to finding cool stuff. Post on board when you're coming down next.
I like that fact that the Shores always seems to turn up some interesting stuff. Here's a list of just a few of the things we've seen there:
Dolphins, Pacific Electric Ray, 4ft Halibut, gaint sheephead, batrays, hugh shoals of bait fish, diving cormorants, Giant Black Sea Bass, dead 8ft Thresher Shark, seals, the squid run, big walls, nubibranchs of all different type and sizes, the list goes on.
While conditions are not always stellar and sometimes the surge can be substaintual, if you get out often enough you get some great days.
And as a previous poster said, then there's Scripps Canyon, which is fantastic! Huge plunging walls, one of the best dives I've done.