The following are Robertarak's comments on the three Rs
Thought I would do a quick little write up on the 3 R's class.
There is a reason the LA County program is the best. This class was an example of some of those reasons.
I start the morning lost. There could have been some better directions offered on the website...having never been there before, of course I had a hard time finding the place. Even if it just said, "meet in the parking lot" I would have looked for a parking lot. Anyway, there is a group there when I show up and a nice lady doing sign-ups. To be honest I wasn't expecting too much for my 5 bux (OK, I spent $15 and joined GLACD), but there was a good size group. I later came to find out the the LA County ADP folks were taking part in the class that day. We get started right on time and get some pretty good information about tides, pressure systems, forcasting, sources of information and the like. Then LA County Lifeguards show up in their yellow truck to give a short talk about Pt. Dume. I thought that was great, but then the Lifeguard goes on to tell us that Baywatch (the LA County ocean rescue boat) will have us board from the water after we do our entry training and take us over to a a little cove (the stairs) to do some free diving and more drills. WOW! That shoulded like a lot for 5 bux! It was!
We did shore entries, cramp removal drills, diver tow drills, delt with current, did free diving.....then Baywatch comes for us! It was very cool. We made our way to the boat, loaded up as we were directed and off we went around the point. Then one by one giant stride off the boat for some fun and more free diving. Now at this point I was feeling less then perfect. I spend too much time floating on the surface and it's dizzy time..I spent too much time floating on the I didn't do alot of free dives, but enough to work on some skills. The whole time the lifeguards (3 of them) on Baywatch were keeping their eyes on us. We eventually loaded back up on the boat, and back to where we started. Again, one giant stride off Baywatch, a big "OK" and "thank you" to the lifeguards. Hey what's that up in the sky? Nope, not Superman, an LA County helicopter! It came by, did some orbits, hovered over Baywatch, kinda cool. Another HUGE plus for the LA County program, they have resources! Anyway, to end the class we did beach exits and I made it out standing..yay!
This was a great class, with great instructors who really cared, great students, great help from the Lifeguards, and just a great day. I am very glad I did it. I will do it again, and I recommend to to all.
He who dives with the most toys wins!
And those trained by LA county have been TRAINED!