as to wreck prenetration, yes, if it's the same as cave, where you have 1/3's
rule and a buddy at your same level of training, sure, why not?
Let's do a little math
We have two divers with al 80s, both w/ 3000 psi in them
thirds is 1000 psi (26 cft), so turn at 2000 psi
To make things easy, we'll assume a .5 SAC rate and that we're diving at 66 ft (3 ATM). That means, we are breathing 1.5 cft/min on a relaxed ride in....
17 minutes later, we turn the dive because we have reached thirds
Oh crap...my tank just exploded and I'm not too happy about it.
My SAC doubles and my buddy's goes up to .75 cft/min. Now, I'm breathing off his long hose and, combined, we are breathing a 1.75 cft/min SAC * 3 ATA =
5.25 cft/min at depth...on 54 cft of gas. That will last us about 10 minutes on a 17 minute swim (actually, much more than that because we are now swimming while sharing air and may have also silted up the place because of the exploding tank). Yeah, I'm sure the flow will help push us out a bit, but not that much.
How far did we get before we drowned?
Don't you wish you had those doubles now?
The next morning there is a post on TDS/SB: "Two Intro to Cave divers die 300 ft inside a cave in High Springs, FL" where everyone is talking about how stupid they were to be diving on singles.