KPP On-going idle chit-chat thread

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Penny, Ken, and I decided we needed to work on some things before we headed up to Osprey for our first wreck dive of the year, so we chose to dive the deep side of Gilboa. This was our first dive together with all three of us using scooters, focused on some meaningful practice.

We dropped in on the semi-trailer, trying to make sure we all went down at the same rate, and after getting some slow ears to equalize, we gathered at the top of the trailer (approx 100ft) and started tooling around. I was leading out, with Ken in the middle, and Penny bringing up the rear. Ken's HID light is out for repair, so the idea was to put him in the middle.

However, I realized I don't have much experience diving in 3 person scooter teams, so trying to keep track of two other scooters proved to be "gas consuming". Somewhere in the midst of a modified barrel roll to see where everyone was, I kinda lost track of the direction I was heading and led them off on some unintentional sight seeing at a depth of 110 and 120ft deep. Not a great depth to be burning through the bottom time. At some point Ken figured out that I'd lost track of where we were in the deep in, and signaled to head back a different direction. There was nothing to lose, so we followed him for a while. I couldn't believe how far off I'd gotten us! What can I say??

We have some kinks to work out, but all in all, it was a great day for flying around and enjoying the scooters. Penny hardly used any gas 'cause she was so relaxed, having so much fun. However, I understand that the huge grin on her face had her mask leaking constantly!

When we surfaced, there was snow coming down, and it was getting heavier.

Air temp started out at about 42F when we arrived around Noon at the quarry, and shot down to around 33F by the time we pulled out. Water temp at depth was around 40F, and there was a perceptible thermocline above the 70ft platform.

Had a great time!!
The last line says it all.

Looking forward to HOPEFULLY diving the doubles next week at BS.
Unloading the scuba-van from yesterdays BS trip and I run into 2 BIG packages of
chocolate chip cookies, I'm BADDDD! I'm adding on a couple pounds of weight due
to my short sightedness!!!!:D
So how is the leg??
Land Locked:
Better. Penguin with cymbals? Mean little bugars!:D

Mom is bringing up the rear with her purse. Not sure what SHE has in store for the poor bear.
Funny! How much money does mom have in the purse???

Just got off the phone with Phil ordering the bp/wing/harness deal.

Should be ready to get wet this weekend!
Land Locked:
Just got off the phone with Phil ordering the bp/wing/harness deal.

Should be ready to get wet this weekend!

Wow. you are so quick.... Does it come with a DELUXE QUICK DISCONNECT?

It is good to have that option.............
I did upgrade to the deluxe harness with quick disconnect,

I know, I'm going to DIE!!!! :D
Land Locked:
I did upgrade to the deluxe harness with quick disconnect,

I know, I'm going to DIE!!!! :D

:rofl3: I haven't heard that anyone actually died because of QD failure. Even, I have seen many tech divers who are exclusively using QD option.

Just my 2 cents...

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