KPP On-going idle chit-chat thread

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We REALLY need to set up a non-diving event for our group. Maybe we can do a dinner out some where after one of our bigger get togethers this year!

Chris ... congrats to you and your wife! Outstanding news. Thank you for sharing with all of us.

We should really have a family get together sometime that can include non-diving members as well. I'm sure our wives/girlfriends/friends/SOs would love to get together and talk about us crazy guys/gals that go diving in the snow!
Uh just a gentle reminder to all---we tried to get a dinner together back in December. Three divers and one non diver made it. We did have a good time though. It would be really nice to get more people together including the non diving spouses/SO's.
Yep, remember it, I could not make that event. That's why I was thinking on doing after one of our mid-summer holiday weekend events. I think we had a whopping eight divers once a couple of years ago!
I remember some dinners with something like 16 people there. We had a great time.

I think that was before your time though :D
Since our numbers keep growing we should be able to do the 8 divers again this year. Don't know if Glenda would travel that far for a dinner or not.

Chris, the twins are now joined. The easiest way is to start the crossover in one valve. Put it on the tank and then add the other valve making sure to get the correct distance between valves. Then lay the tanks down and screw the other tank to it. Took me all of 5 minutes. Don't have the bands fastened, figured I would wait till I got the plate. Can't wait to get the twins wet.
I put the twins on the coffee table and just got one thread started on one then paired them up. My eye sight is not that great close up and it took several attempts to get them aligned just right. I don't think the beers had anything to do with it though!:D I got the hardware today and got them mounted to the black diamond. Found out this morning that the shop can't fill doubles in their cabinet.:confused: So I used a borrowed whip to equalize them to 2400psi from my other tanks. Now I've got my fingers crossed on diving Sunday.....

Wally, the twins are both stamped 15 on the neck.
After trying to do both at the same time I quickly gave up.

Wonder what the neck stamp is.
So was there no diving this weekend for the KPP?

WB and I went up to Gilboa. Water was cold, but my scooter got wet. :D
Although it was too negative, so I took WB's and he suffered with mine.
Nice man, no wonder I love him. :love:
I just come back from the diving.

It was another gorgeous day out there. The water is 41 degree...

You got a scooter. I envy you.. What did you get, X or SS?

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