KPP On-going idle chit-chat thread

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Land Locked:
I've got to check if my certification allows medical grade in KY, it used to, laws change you know. I was going to get a fill at Mermet but their o2 banks were at a lower pressure than my tank. Sounds like a GOOD excuse to go back to Mermet!!!

Count me in for Mermet!!!!
hmmmm you need a script for air now maybe I should speak to my time I see him at the bar lolol but seriously if anyone gets any leads on used gear at a good buy fire me a pm im in the market

What are you looking for?? I am thinking aboutselling at least one of my computers, a dive light and maybe a couple other goodies.
What are you looking for?? I am thinking aboutselling at least one of my computers, a dive light and maybe a couple other goodies.

So Wally's Dive Shop is open for business?
I'm getting rid of an Aqualung Airsource with LP hose, only three dives on it.
Land Locked:
I've got to check if my certification allows medical grade in KY, it used to, laws change you know. I was going to get a fill at Mermet but their o2 banks were at a lower pressure than my tank. Sounds like a GOOD excuse to go back to Mermet!!!

If you guys (and gals) do get a trip to Mermet going, let me know. If I can make it I'll be there, I've been wanting to go back for a bit. A local club here has a trip planned, but I'm working, so that's a no go.
Just a note;
Thank you all for the prayers and best wishes! Kim's recent tests came out GREAT,
the masses they were checking came out benign!!!:D

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