KPP On-going idle chit-chat thread

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Hey Folks
This is Bill the Fella hanging out with John Sunday at BS, We go back a long time so I put up with him lol. It was good to meet you guys and hope to be in the water soon.(JP will see to it)
Ive Lived in Columbus for two years now and didnt know Blue springs was there pfft now I have a quary 30 mins from me COOL!! kinda runned down and needs some work, but lets all hope they use the entry fee for that this summer :) Ill be watching and chiming in from time to time
ps was good geting to talk to Jim after all Johns told me about him
My sentiments exactly Penny! We are all about getting together and having some fun with this sport!

Wecome to ScubaBoard and the KPP Bill!
So fella hanging out with JP, watch who you hang with, I hope to see you out at Falling Rock this year. Take it from an "Old Hack" diver, we have had some great times out there with more to come! We will also be going down to Penny Royal this summer.
Hope you can make it!
Chris and Princess rule over our KPP. We are ready to be a happy followers...:):):)
Land Locked:
I learned today that trouble maker #1 and #2 are chasing members away from the KPP and diving at Joe's.:confused: Seems some "one" feel we are running a good old boys club and people have to kiss our butts for the pleasure of diving with us! I don't know about you "other" good old boys and gals but speaking on behalf of the trouble makers, we have never refused to dive and have fun with any member of the KPP or non-member. Feel free to chime in any time, but me personally, I DO NOT discriminate when it comes to meeting and diving with anyone regardless of skill, age, agency, color of equipment, creed or religion! I'm always ready to share with the less skilled and I hope the more experienced divers will share with me! Lord knows I'll need some help here shortly. :D

Where did that come from? I've allways felt welcomed by everyone I've met on the KPP and all of Scubaboard as well. If it was'nt for you and Kenny I wouldn't have had anyone to dive with after I first got certified. My son just don't like cold low vis diving and I was'nt going to make him dive. You guys allways wecomed me along offering advise and answering newbie questions without critisizing. I'm greatfull for the mentoring you guys have gladly given me. I've made some really good freinds on here and I can't think of even one person who has treated anyone like it's a good ole boys club. This person has surely misunderstood someone and gotten the wrong impression. Sometimes things don't sound as they seem through the internet. Give the KPP another shot and I think you'll find the "good ole boys and gals" welcome everyone.

BTW, I literally live less than five min from Joes. If anyone ever needs a dive buddy just PM me here and I've allways got full tanks ready to go. If I can make it at all, I'm there. :wink:
Chris and Princess rule over our KPP. We are ready to be a happy followers...:):):)

No, no, no, no, Chris rules over nothing! :confused:

I'm just here for the fun, experience and Camaraderie!

I abdicate to the next poster!!!:D
Chris and Princess rule over our KPP. We are ready to be a happy followers...:):):)
OH the Princess has been remiss in her duties........(I'm just not into that responsibility thing.....) But I'll try to make it up to ya'll.:blinking:

(CRAP, now I need a mod to delete my whole you think if I slathered it with expletives called every mod on the books for the past five years a stroke that they'd pull it for me?????):D

We are always appreciating your efforts for KPP. If you weren't there, I never went down to Joe's....

Maybe, my word choice wasn't appropriate.....:(

I hand over my crown to the next poster!!! :wink:
As trouble maker #1 all I have to say to the "country club" is bull pucky. I can think of several times that Chris and I dove with total newbs. I have never seen anyone turned away at Joe's. I will give anyone a chance. I have already invited three new locals to dive with us any time. Never met them and two aren't even certified as of yet.
Saying that I think I can just about guess where this comment about the "country club" came from. If my hunch is correct then I think we are better off without this person. I only praise one God and I have never seen him with doubles, dry suit and a 7' hose.

Nice to have met you Bill. Hope to see you in the water sometime this summer.

I like most UPS drivers but mine is a total butt head. I have a wine delivery every quarter and I have to sign for it. He has the slip for delivery notice all written out before he even leaves the truck. He then runs to the door, knocks, sticks the notice to the door and runs back. I sat in my living room and watched him do this twice. Of course I let him get allll the way back to his truck before hollering at him.
If the doubles have to have a signature I will be picking them up. GO FEDEX!!

Geezz am I that slow in typing?
Wait Wait Wait..

Do I miss something again? Where did "County Club" come from? I only remember "KOMI" :)

Oops!!! It sounds like me. (double, dry suit and 7' hose).....:confused:

I think it is about time to have a formal gathering to meet each other and clear out everything....:D

Let's set up the date.....

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