KPP On-going idle chit-chat thread

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Halleluah!!! or however its spelled:D Glad to hear the great news. Now we can get her into diving to celebrate:D
Land Locked:
Just a note;
Thank you all for the prayers and best wishes! Kim's recent tests came out GREAT,
the masses they were checking came out benign!!!:D

Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah

Beer on you when we dive together. :D
Chris this gives me chills!! :D I really don't worry about my Mom's health but I do worry about my KY Mom. Give her my love.
Congrats to you and Kim! I'm so glad to hear the good news! 3 years will be past before you know it and you'll be enjoying that champaign. :D
Land Locked:
Just a note;
Thank you all for the prayers and best wishes! Kim's recent tests came out GREAT,
the masses they were checking came out benign!!!:D

Chris ... congrats to you and your wife! Outstanding news. Thank you for sharing with all of us.

We should really have a family get together sometime that can include non-diving members as well. I'm sure our wives/girlfriends/friends/SOs would love to get together and talk about us crazy guys/gals that go diving in the snow!

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