Knee ACL need good fins for straight leg kick

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I had the old ACL reconstruction 30 years ago. It is where they make a 2 foot long incision down the outside of the leg and route part of a tendon around to strengthen up the joint. I use any type of fin. I also do any type of kicking. Yes, my whip kick is a little lopsided with my left leg, but I was not told that I could not do it. Starting out after surgery, I used a brace when swimming. This will keep your joint in the correct alignment for swimming. I do a lot of flutter kick with the kickboard and bicycle riding to strengthen the joint. I have a DonJoy and a Bledsoe knee brace. The insurance will pay for it if it is needed for work.

I use Picasso and WaterWays long blade full footpocket freedive fins for freediving.

I used Mares open heel for over 25 years. I now have Mares and Apollo split fins. The Apollos are great.
Weird. I had ACL surgery last summer and I was told NOT to kick with a straight leg as it puts downward and upward pressure on the knee (after surgery).

Yeah my PT spent a lot of time emphasizing the 'non-functionalness' of any exercise that involves straightening a leg, too.
Wow, thanks for all the fast responses. I read a lot of the knee threads but couldn't find one RE: straight leg kick.
They used my patella tendon, so i have a scar running down the front of my knee where they harvested the tendon and that is what is giving me fits right now. I had the surgery in May. I know my PT stressed to NOT do leg extension with weights ever but he had me do all kinds of weights with a straight leg, from different angles, and bending my knee with weights just not straightening my knee with weights. (I need to ask him a few more questions about this too.) Also to strengthen up my quads I have been doing weights for that too. He called it "open-chain" exercises when the leg isn't in contact with the ground or something solid and that is where I have to be careful with it.
I just got back from Puerto Aventuras for 10 days and I used my full foot fins and didn't have any problems with using just my ankles and feet (kindof sculling) or straight leg kicks. But my knee is bugging me now so I have to go in and see him again and hope that I didn't mess anything up.
thanks all.
Ah - another ACL veteran! Congratulations on making it through. I had my auto-patella ACL operation back in April 2005, but I still remember the accident and months of PT like it was yesterday.

I liked Texasdivechick's suggestion that you seek PT-input about different kicking-styles, because new fins - especially force fins - can be pretty pricey. Thing is (I don't know what your current fins are like), is that the frog kick is easiest to perform with old-school short n' stumpy paddle fins. That wouldn't be very compatible with your poor knee right now, though. Still, some divers can perform alternate kicks wearing longer, slimmer blade fins or split fins (damned if I could, when I borrowed a pair of splits, so my hat is off to them!), and I've ready that that force fins do the job decently, too - I've never tried a pair of force fins myself. So, possibly a different kick (using either your existing fins, whatever they may be - certainly the cheapest option) and/or possibly new fins that will be kinder to your knee while flutter-kicking. Oh, and whether you keep your old fins or buy a new pair, the idea about spring-straps is really good - they'll be useful long after your knee is 100% healed.

Hang in there - and please feel free to contact me, too, if you have any queries about the ACL recovery process.
Yeah, I am really glad to be done with the surgery part and be on the other side. The Accident was just me skiing with my bindings way too tight and I fell down and the ski didn't release so it took my knee and leg around with it. I have done that wipe out many, many times and never had a problem before but I had just got new skiis and didn't check the bindings setting. My PT wants me to give up skiing but no way, I will wait a year to ski but I'm not giving it up.

I have some 20 year old Mares Plana Avanti bright green fins, and a newer pair of Aeris Velo fullfoot fins.

I was just thinking about what I should change so I can continue to dive and not irritate with my knee. Trying them in the pool is a great idea, I just have to find a place that will let me do that.
thanks again for all the help. :)
Before getting his sod-off Hollis fins, my fiance used to frog kick as happily as a clam in his Mares Quattro fins, which are a hop, skip, and a jump from the Avantis. Playing around in the pool is a magnificent idea. If you have dive buddies with split or force fins, see if you can borrow before you buy (invite them to come and watch your efforts - they can give you tips and a helping hand and return, you can provide them with a source of amusement!!!). Heck, maybe your local dive shop will be kind enough to fling a pair of practice fins your way, too.

The accident sounds ouch! Kudos to you for refusing to be deterred, though - that's awesome. I busted my ACL while kickboxing...a jumping roundhouse kick using the heavy bag went horribly awry. Oh, that sickening pop...
My husband, my daughter and I all have the Apollo Bio-Fins and love them. They are very flexible and for very little kick exhertion you really book along. They are also very durable. My husband and I each have approx. 200 dives and still have the original pair of fins.
I had ACL surgery on my left knee about 15 years ago. It was about a year before I felt like my knee was at least close to 100%. That was actually my second knee surgery. I had some cartiledge removed back in college in the late '70s, which was relatively the "dark ages" of knee surgery, after which I had to wear a full leg cast for about two months. Consequently, it took a lot longer to recover from that one.

Thankfully, I haven't had much in the way of knee issues since other than occasional soreness for which I have no explanation other than just general aging. :(

I didn't start diving until about four years ago. I started off with a pair of AquaLung blades. About a year ago I switched to Atomic Smoke On The Water split fins--great fins, clumsy name. I was tired of having to dig out pebbles from the AquaLung's locking mechanism and thought I would give splits a try since I was switching fins anyway. The Atomics use a spring strap, which I have found to be far more comfortable and much easier to get on and off. But as far as stress on the knees, I didn't really notice much difference between the blades and the splits. There's stress involved with both; I just make sure that I don't overdo it.

Good luck on your continued recovery. I know it's a long road back, but you'll get there. Hopefully this will become less of an issue for you as your knee continues to get stronger in the months and years ahead.

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