Dark Wolf:Well thanks Dave,
I have never been to New England. I guess that it is about time to make a trip!Probably won't be this year, but maybe next year?!
Do you do any Lobster hunting? Has been a dream of mine forever!! Thanks for the invite!
Dark Wolf
Next year, any year. I love to dive.
Heading off to bed shortly, but a quick reply first.
Unfortunately, in Massachusetts, it's residents only, as non-residents are not able to get a license to take lobster by scuba (with the exception of non-resident tax-payers of a certain level).
Maine and New Hampster don't allow the taking of lobster by scuba at all.
Rhode Island allows the taking of lobster by scuba, but I don't know if it's restricted to residents only.
Anyway, there's still plenty of flounder to spear in May, June and July.
Plus, there are scallops to be had (by boat).
I suppose it would be fun to accompany a licensed lobster diver and watch the action, though, right?

With that, I'm off to dream of underwater hunting....
Dave C