Just curious, but why, women? Why?

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Another reason guys go to the john singly is so that we can write graffiti. Think about it -- of all the graffiti you've seen, have you ever seen even one guy actually writing any of it?


What about the whole taking the purse thing while going to the bathroom during a date? Are us guys not trustworthy enough? What are you ladies hiding?

I'm still wondering about my theory that all ladies have at least a ppk in their purse. heh.
What about the whole taking the purse thing while going to the bathroom during a date?

they got stuff in there they need. hairbrush, lipstick. listening device for the
bug they left at the table.
...taking the purse thing while going to the bathroom during a date? Are us guys not trustworthy enough?...

Reflectively, I can say that all the women who asked me to keep an eye on the purse were relaxed, down to earth, and natural. Now, before my castle is stormed with pitchforks and torches by the outraged yet always fairer sex, I can also say that MANY women who take their purses with them are also relaxed, down to earth, and natural. It's just that ALL the women in the first case seemed that way.
You should see what we can pack into a purse...
That's where they make plans on how to kick our B'tts and take our money.........they team up, men always try to be independent which makes us easy prey.
That's where they make plans on how to kick out B'tts and take our money.........

We dont have to plan that.. its a built in feature! :wink:
Misplaced Priority:
:D Hey everyone, wait right there! I'll be right back I've got to go pee. Anyone care to join me?

Don't forget to take your beer, there are some strange people around here!! :wink: :D
"Anyone care to ..." -- what a gracious way of putting it. A guy would say, "gotta go; can I borrow your marker pen?" and if the guy is drinking with Andy, he would also have to leave his beer with the bartender.

the first rule of drinking with buddies is, you never leave your beer unatended

the second rule of driking with buddies is, you never leave your beer unatended
I take my purse because I go a lot of places people steal purses! I also wear it when I dance...or just put my stuff in my pocket. Also, women need tampons. HELLO...

As for the bathroom thing, I can't explain that..maybe I'm too old, not much of a herd animal myself.

Why do you guys carry your man purses in the bathroom with you? And what about those HUGE wallets that make your right butt cheek rise about 5 inches off of a chair? Now that is strange.

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