Just curious, but why, women? Why?

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You obviously know a lot about zoology and animal psychology (my opinion based on your comments in the Pitt Bull thread). I thought you'd figure this one out in nothing flat!

Here's the deal. Think about wolves. How do they stake out their territory? They mark it. And what if wolves from different packs decide to vie for the same area? First they size each other up. The weaker usually backs away knowing he'd lose the fight. (He's P-shy). If he thinks he can take the other guy then he'll mark. Maybe they'll fight or maybe the other wolf will back down.

Even though we are civilized humans (oxymoron?) we still have some of those instincts working for/against us. If 160lb Joe Anybody and "The Rock" stepped up to the porcelain together, all Mr. Rock would have to do is clear his throat and Joe Anybody wouldn't be able to get out a drop. Physical superiority isn't the only factor. Celebrity, social status, income/wealth, athletic prowess, inteligence, or any other percieved 'Power factor' can cause the same effect.

How does a man get over being P-shy? It's kind of funny acutally. He just has to take a deep breath and think "I am the Alpha. I could kick the *** of every guy in this room and they all know it." If he can half-way believe it then suddenly he isn't P-shy any more. :D Guys are usually not P-shy around close friends because they are "from the same pack".

-Ben M.


I live for posts like this. thank-you from the bottom of my heart.
we share 98% DNA with chimps, btw, or something insane like that

Don't bring that up with chimps. They are really sensitive about it. We are the hillbilly cousins they don't talk about. :wink:

-Ben M.
chimps are still tring to explain Chernobyl to the gorillas

(oy vey, those relatives of yours... brains is not in their genes)

I live for posts like this. thank-you from the bottom of my heart.

Thanks. Know that these are just my opinions though. I'm neither a biologist nor a psychologist. I do think we can learn a lot from animals though... when we aren't afraid to draw some parallels between them and ourselves. I don't think we are quite as high and mighty as we sometimes think we are. We can do calculus, organ transplants, put rockets into orbit, and a million other amazing things, but we still exhibit rather primitive behavior on a daily basis.

-Ben M.
Men will never ever figure out women so why try.
This may be a little off track, but as long as we are no the subject I recall that:

"Behind every successful man there is a woman.................. telling him he's wrong!!!!
well, I am the woman who goes in the men's room if the line is too long. I get some harsh looks but I don't really care. it comes from a history of being in uncivilized places like horse stalls. I remember the shock I got when my daughter squated in the parking lot at LAX in the middle of the night while I was fumbling for the keys to our car. I was shocked. She was seven and spent a lot of time at the barn.

My son, on the other hand got very upset when we were in a traffic jam in LA in a bad area on the freeway and we tried to get him to use a water bottle. He was about eight and my daughter was trying to offer suggestions on how to do it in the backseat because I was driving. He became very angry with us. Something about men, they don't like directions.
I used to play guitar in the barracks bathrooms. Great acoustics! LOL

Military heads ..... a whole different dynamic. Most of ours had absolutely no privacy. Remember sitting on the crapper looking 10 or 12 crappers down or across to bum a smoke? No biggie right?

How about locker rooms when participating in an organized sport? Grab*****ing around or trying to towel snap someones butt? Totally expected and acceptable.

But public restrooms? Avert eyes at all times or someone might think you're a perv. It is pretty funny when you think about it.

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