Just curious, but why, women? Why?

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You obviously know a lot about zoology and animal psychology (my opinion based on your comments in the Pitt Bull thread). I thought you'd figure this one out in nothing flat!

Here's the deal. Think about wolves. How do they stake out their territory? They mark it. And what if wolves from different packs decide to vie for the same area? First they size each other up. The weaker usually backs away knowing he'd lose the fight. (He's P-shy). If he thinks he can take the other guy then he'll mark. Maybe they'll fight or maybe the other wolf will back down.

Even though we are civilized humans (oxymoron?) we still have some of those instincts working for/against us. If 160lb Joe Anybody and "The Rock" stepped up to the porcelain together, all Mr. Rock would have to do is clear his throat and Joe Anybody wouldn't be able to get out a drop. Physical superiority isn't the only factor. Celebrity, social status, income/wealth, athletic prowess, inteligence, or any other percieved 'Power factor' can cause the same effect.

How does a man get over being P-shy? It's kind of funny acutally. He just has to take a deep breath and think "I am the Alpha. I could kick the *** of every guy in this room and they all know it." If he can half-way believe it then suddenly he isn't P-shy any more. :D Guys are usually not P-shy around close friends because they are "from the same pack".

-Ben M.
That's just a strange concept. The problem with your theory is humans have never marked their territory with urine.
Great question frank. Did you have any idea what you were getting into?

No. I truly didn't. I didn't realize it was a "stupid" question, and that it would invite such ire from the fairer sex. Oh well...

Beer me, dude. :14:
That's just a strange concept. The problem with your theory is humans have never marked their territory with urine.

More than 650 million DNA base pairs (more than 25% of the total) are identical between humans and dogs. Sorry, but I think that means we are both more than 1/4 dog. :lol2: (or are dogs 25% human?)

-Ben M.
More than 650 million DNA base pairs are identical between humans and dogs. Sorry, but I think that means we are both more than 1/4 dog. :lol2: (or are dogs 25% human?)

lol, that's true of humans and pretty much any mammal. in fact,
true of humans and pretty much every other animal with a backbone.

we all share the same DNA. it's the varations that make us unique.

we share 98% DNA with chimps, btw, or something insane like that

(no Thas, i didn't google that.... go ahead and find the right percentage)


but... homo sapiens doesn't mark territory with urine, and none the other
great apes (chimps, gorillas, etc.) use urine to mark territory. our sense of smell
is not good enough for that.

it's not in our genes. we're visual creatures.
No. I truly didn't. I didn't realize it was a "stupid" question, and that it would invite such ire from the fairer sex. Oh well...

Beer me, dude. :14:
Consider yourself beered(p-free) :)

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