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Do you play well with "other" children Clay? Does your wife have to spank you on occasion to get you to behave? :rofl3:
I am a very nice person. You should know that. I play well and share my toys.
I am a very nice person. You should know that. I play well and share my toys.

I must concede and agree with you (but only for now)....you are a very nice person and I do know that....

but as for sharing toys with you.......I ain't even gonna go there:rofl3:

Well, I checked out the thread on the trip in Jan and thought my first attempt at spearfishing might not need to be at those depths...

We can still do a dive-n-dine on the 20th!
You mean we can play there:D

Yes Clay took his toys and went to that thread...

Now where were we, oh yes someone said something about the 20th? What you got in mind Paulwall?

Mat and I and <insert names here> are beach diving the day before the Spearo trip. I'm sure food will be involved afterward.
Mat and I and <insert names here> are beach diving the day before the Spearo trip. I'm sure food will be involved afterward.

You guys keep us informed about conditions for that day and I might be able to twist Andy's arm and make him go diving with me two Saturdays in a row:)
Yes Clay took his toys and went to that thread...

I did not take my bat and ball and leave. I am still here. I just got another bat and ball so I can have multiple games going on.:rofl3:

I must admit that this thread is entertaining.:popcorn:
I did not take my bat and ball and leave. I am still here. I just got another bat and ball so I can have multiple games going on.:rofl3:

I must admit that this thread is entertaining.:popcorn:

Okay Clay,
Since you let me play on your thread, I'll let you play on mine...but you've got to BEHAVE!!....I don't allow no misbehavin on my thread!! (except by me):D
Okay Clay,
Since you let me play on your thread, I'll let you play on mine...but you've got to BEHAVE!!....I don't allow no misbehavin on my thread!! (except by me):D

Aint misbehabvin, saving all my love for you

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