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So is this dive/dine possible cookout on Feb 10th? You know, I might be willing to do some cooking out in the grill at my house. We are only about 20 minutes from Bluewater. How many divers will there be. Some could even bring thier non-diving wives. Mine will be there. Hamburgers/Hotdogs??

Okay Clay
(I call time out for a minute and get serious :D ...yes it is possible)

As far as Andy and I are concerned, unless the weather gets really ugly, Feb 10th would be great!! We can all chip in and bring things to eat. And I would love for you to do the cooking!! That is very very sweet of you to offer us your home and your cooking...

(See, that was very nice and serious right?...now time out is over......I would love to meet your wife Clay....bless her heart:huh: ....I might be able to offer her some sympathy for her plight in life...after all, she didn't know how bad you behaved until after you two got married :D )
Actually, We dated for 4 years so I think she knew all about what she was getting into. I still have not sprung this idea on her. Although I am sure she would like to meet my diving buddies. She has met Cameron. I think thats it though.

What do you think? Burgers and hotdogs.
Actually, We dated for 4 years so I think she knew all about what she was getting into. I still have not sprung this idea on her. Although I am sure she would like to meet my diving buddies. She has met Cameron. I think thats it though.

What do you think? Burgers and hotdogs.

The 10th of February is a Saturday for sure. As far as the meal goes; I am being serious (a difficult feat for Denise). Burgers would be fine, but I'd suggest throwing a big pot o stew or chili on the burner thar at Blue water and let er cook all day. My tummy be wanting something to fight off the chill.

Now do they rent 7mm wetsuits? I am awfully skinny and need as much insulation as I can get. I'll pick up some extra rocks to carry if I need additional weight. I used to carry sandbags on windy days!

Actually, We dated for 4 years so I think she knew all about what she was getting into. I still have not sprung this idea on her. Although I am sure she would like to meet my diving buddies. She has met Cameron. I think thats it though.

What do you think? Burgers and hotdogs.

You sure this is a good idea? After she meets your dive buddies, you may not be allowed to go diving anymore:D ...but if you are willing to risk it....hamburgers and hotdogs would be fine with me. Or anything else that I don't have to cook!!

Howard, you still gonna bring the :cheers:
The 10th of February is a Saturday for sure. As far as the meal goes; I am being serious (a difficult feat for Denise). Burgers would be fine, but I'd suggest throwing a big pot o stew or chili on the burner thar at Blue water and let er cook all day. My tummy be wanting something to fight off the chill.

Now do they rent 7mm wetsuits? I am awfully skinny and need as much insulation as I can get. I'll pick up some extra rocks to carry if I need additional weight. I used to carry sandbags on windy days!

I would give them an email and ask if they have any. They sold off a lot of rental gear in Oct. Or Nov. and I think they are limited as to what they have in the winter. Stew sounds good. Or chili. I have a burner and a big pot I could bring.
You sure this is a good idea? After she meets your dive buddies, you may not be allowed to go diving anymore:D ...but if you are willing to risk it....hamburgers and hotdogs would be fine with me.

Howard, you still gonna bring the :cheers:

Do you think we should start a new thread for this event?
My wife would love to meet all of my buddies.:rofl3:
I think she like me to go diving. This weekend while I am gone she and my daughter will be getting their nails done and who knows what else. My daughter will be at my house the weekend of the 10th. so anyone could bring their young one also. Fine with me. She is 10. But she plays well with older and younger children. I am sure she will love Andy. Especially if he enjoys some xbox. I know I do.
I think that is a good idea to start a separate thread. Since you are the host, I will give you the honors. Just post it in the local events subforum of Dixie Divers.....after all, that will give me a new thread to play on!!

If Howard brings the beer and Andy starts playing xbox, we may be there a while...got any guest rooms??:rofl3:
she plays well with older and younger children. I am sure she will love Andy. Especially if he enjoys some xbox. I know I do.

Do you play well with "other" children Clay? Does your wife have to spank you on occasion to get you to behave? :rofl3:
You think in the trips section? Where the thread for this weekend is.
You think in the trips section? Where the thread for this weekend is.

Yes, I think that is where you are suppose to post upcoming events.

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