jelly fish/sting question???

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i've been diving in st. kitts for the last 6 months or so. Recently, every time I go diving, I wake up the next morning with what look like stings/bug bites on either my arms or legs, anywhere my wet suit doesn't cover. I've been diving in a shorty only b/c i'm comfortable in one. Yesterday i went on another dive where there were numerous jelly fish aound me. I was very careful not to be stund by one as I am super sensitive (as i said, usually just wake up with "bites").
There must have been at least 40 jelly fish while i was diving yesterday. This morning I wake up and I have almost 60 "bites" on both my arms and only a couple on my legs. I am SURE I wasn't stung by one.
Does any one know if jelly fish release a toxin in to the water? What can be in the water that makes my skin react this way? Is there anything besides benadryll cream and pills that i can be doing to help the itch? Besides diving in a full suit does anyone have any idea why the water (in the caribbean) makes my skin react this way? Has this happened to anyone else?

Until I figure something out...I will be eating benadryll like 'candy'!!
Jellyfishes posess long transparent "tentacles", you can easily come in contact with them and not notice it immediately.

Maybe if you put some vinegar on your exposed sking after a dive, as a preventative measure...

Benadryl has some annoying side effects such as drowsiness and fatigue.

A full lycra suit under your shorty might be of some help.

Good luck and safe diving
This should have been in the Medical forum for better coverage. I'll see about moving it...
Is there anything besides benadryll cream and pills that i can be doing to help the itch? Besides diving in a full suit does anyone have any idea why the water (in the caribbean) makes my skin react this way?
I use Vinegar first, then Hydrocortisone cream our ointment thereafter if stung.

I'm probly not as experienced as you in avoiding scraps on ladders, around boats, etc, but I always wear a long skin jumpsuit as I like all my skin possible protected, along with nylon socks. With your luck, I'd carry a light weight beanie in my pocket and don it at the first sign of jellies. Indeed you get so much overall thermal protection from a 1 mil beanie that I can wear 1 mil less wet suit.

You said you're skin is very sensitive. Could you be reacting to the saltwater? Do you FW rinse on the boat after each dive?
Before you go diving, to try and prevent the sting, Maybe you can try to put sunblock that is waterproof and sweatproof on.
That will offer some protection against some of the stingy things that are in the water. Where I dive there are these jellyfish that you cant see, but you can feel them stinging you, more itchy than anything. The sunblock when
i have it on , I dont feel it and when I dont put it on I can feel them. So maybe give it a try. Now I just use a full body lycra but I tell the people who go snorkling to use it.
i just got back from a diving holiday and my hands look like they've just survived from a considerable amount of time spent in the torture chamber. i was glad the diving was awesome; makes the sting tolerable to bear.

like you, kaia, i get stung pretty easily. i second the recommendation of many; put vinegar on the affected areas right after your dive. also, i put a cream afterwards and cover them up so i dont start itching them (as they often get worse based on my experience).
I think the Safe Sea would be a good idea for the areas not covered - altho I'd still wear a long skin.
I think it sounds like sea lice, a larval form of thimble jellyfish. Try out Bendryl spray and hydrocortisone to alleviate the itching and help clear up the rash.

KAIA4050, If I was a betting person, I would say sea lice. Did you have any "bites" around your neck? I agree with the above recommendations. See you on the bottom...........
I'd agree with the sea lice theory - My wife got caught real bad by 'em when wearing a shortie in Bonaire a few years ago and the "rash" on her legs and neck stayed with her for nearly a month.Try blowing a path through with your octopus as you start to ascend from your safety stop and then swim up in the bubbles, It usually clears them out of your way


Andy G

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