Rick (Waterskier1)
OK, this is coming together nicely!

Unfortunately the weather may not be great. NOAA shows a chance of snow Friday night, and Sat a slight chance of showers. You can check it out
Should we reschedule this for Sunday morning based on the weather? Right now Sunday looks better than Saturday, however living in the Mountains I know two things: They SUCK at predicting the weather, and it can change up there in seconds.
I'm in Conifer, on the way down 285 (IOW's on the way to Jefferson). When do folks want to go, who wants to drive, and/or how much car pooling do we want to do?
We could meet at the Mountain View Park and Ride (RTD) at maybe 9:00am, and that would put us at Jefferson shortly after 10:00am. Does that sound reasonable?
Do we want to bring some food? A BBQ maybe? I can bring my canopy, and it has sides if we want to block some wind. I can bring a BBQ if we want that. Heck I can bring the kitchen sink!
Frank, you got an extra tank (AL80/single)? I have only one filled at the moment. I can get two 30+minute dives on one most likely... depends on how cold the water is, and how deep we go. I MAY be able to get it to A1 before this weekend, but it's out of vis, O2 Clean so I can't likely get it filled while I wait. Let me know as I know you have a million and one tanks!
My Outback can fit two divers with full gear, and even my canopy. I could likely get three divers in with all gear IF I put on my hard top Sports Carrier. I assume Frank wants to drive, and Rick will go up 9. So that leaves Geo, myself, and Dan. What are you driving Dan? We could also go in my truck, think SUCKS GAS! But it's quite roomy for gear.
Let us all know your thoughts, and there is always room for more divers if you have not signed up for this warm water, tropical adventure. I hear the Lemon Sharks are mating!