Japanese open fire on Sea Shepherd crew

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We don't claim it our own...just that it is our backyard, next door neighbour...etc
Why cant Japan go whaling in its own backyard?
These whales often migrate through our territorial waters and I have often had the pleasure of seeing them when I lived in Wellington...and I want my children to be able to see them as well.
Actually - 70% of whale consumed in Japan is caught in coastal waters. I think it's a bit of a stretch to claim Antarctica waters as your own backyard. The supposed sanctuary is literally thousands of miles away from both New Zealand and Australia. Do New Zealand fishermen only operate in their own waters? Do they never fish in International waters?

As for your children - I can understand that, but really, nothing the Japanese are doing is putting any whale populations under threat at all. The numbers of Minke whale estimated in the Southern hemisphere is 760,000. The Japanese are taking 1000 annually. Do you really think that will threaten the species?
Population Estimates

Too much of this discussion is always emotionally based, rather than on the reality of facts
Sorry mate. You don't just get to claim a stretch of ocean thousands of miles away as somehow belonging to you.
They are also nearing our Maritime Search and Rescue area of responsibility (Which they have hunted whales inside before) which means our taxpayers, myself included, are funding the RNZAF to keep an eye out for trouble and in the event of a rescue eventuating wearing the cost of that also.

I think it's a bit of a stretch to claim Antarctica waters as your own backyard.
The Rescue Coordination Centre New Zealand (RCCNZ) is responsible for coordinating all Class III search and rescue in the New Zealand Search and Rescue Region.

This region is one of the largest search and rescue areas in the world. It covers a large part of the Pacific Ocean from the Equator to the Antarctic, and from half way to Australia to half way to Chile. This area amounts to 30 million square kilometres.
Sounds like our backyard to me
How about we stay on the topic of the issue of whaling. Whaling is outdated. There is no reason for there to be a whaling industry anymore. Isn't whale meat actually toxic? There is no research that these whalers are doing by destroying these animals by the hundreds. I don't know of any scientists that use explosive harpoons to do scientific research. They are calling it research so that they can kill the whales and sell the meat, simple as that.
They are also nearing our Maritime Search and Rescue area of responsibility (Which they have hunted whales inside before) which means our taxpayers, myself included, are funding the RNZAF to keep an eye out for trouble and in the event of a rescue eventuating wearing the cost of that also.

Sounds like our backyard to me

Just because NZ decided to take on a self-imposed responsibility, doesn't mean it has any right to decide what is or isn't its "backyard". I hear the US believes world-wide democracy to be its responsibility, yet, I imagine many think we should stay out of other people's "backyards".
"You know a lot about this huh?

Actually - the Japanese are probably among the best in the world at maintaining marine resources at sustainable levels. They've been fishing their coastal waters for centuries - and still happily do so today. Do you think that would be possible if they had "over-exploited" anything - such as The US and Europe have done in the N.Atlantic and the N.Sea?

Considering it was also American & European whaling fleets that decimated the whale populations to start with, it's pretty easy for me to understand the Japanese viewpoint that they're being preached at by a bunch of hypocrites."

Among the best in the world at maintaining marine resources? Have you heard of the shark finning that goes on? Obviously this is not only Japan but Japan is FAR from being among the best at maintaining marine resources.
actually, it seems you did claim them as "yours"
Its seems you are right! I did claim them as ours...slip of the keyboard...honest
Just because NZ decided to take on a self-imposed responsibility, doesn't mean it has any right to decide what is or isn't its "backyard". I hear the US believes world-wide democracy to be its responsibility, yet, I imagine many think we should stay out of other people's "backyards".
Maybe you guys determine "backyard" differently than us?
By backyard I mean its in our neighbourhood not our property.
Among the best in the world at maintaining marine resources? Have you heard of the shark finning that goes on? Obviously this is not only Japan but Japan is FAR from being among the best at maintaining marine resources.
Shark fin soup is actually a Chinese dish. :wink:

Japan is fantastic at maintaining marine resources. Their fish/shellfish farming techniques are way ahead of most others.
Their coastal waters in general are fished to a strict quota system that has ensured ongoing sustainability since histprical times. They still fish today, unlike the examples in N.America and Europe of entire fishing communities shutting up shop completely because they destroyed the stocks and the fish are gone.

If you think they are so bad at it, would you like to produce some actual evidence?

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