i like how i'm the afterthought here, polly...and andy, wasn't that rum?
he was definitely grumpy this morning, then mama & grandmama & my brother visited and he got a second wind. as mama put him back in the crib, his nasogastric tube came out, and he's been sunny ever since. it was turned off from suction this morning as a step to doing without it entirely later, so they decided it could stay out unless he gets pukey from too much tummy juice. so anyway, maybe that's what was bothering him. he's napping now, so i'm taking the opportunity to post.
y'all, he's doing so so great. pooped yesterday, passed gas today, some pedialyte hopefully tomorrow...i don't know how fast the food progression is after that, like if formula tomorrow night or not, but as far as i can tell we're on schedule to come home wednesday-ish, which is what we were led to expect. no pain med yesterday or today, just tylenol once yesterday. he's back down to his 'home' level of oxygen, 0.2l/min. his incision looks great, he's not acting sore, he's wonderful!
continued thanks for your continued good vibes, everyone!