It's Torture, I tell ya...

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With heavy tight fitting wet suits or semi-dry, the trick is to roll rather than slide.
Start with the wet suit the right way then turn it almost inside out but leaving about 8" at the extremities of the legs and arms the right way. Cover your foot or arm with a plastic bag as others have stated and push it through the opening. It will slide in easily with the bag. Then just roll the suit up the arm or leg in question.
When I first got my tight fitting 7mm semidry it used to take me about 20 minutes to get into it and I would be exhausted before the dive. After working on this technique I can get it on in about 4 minutes ready for someone to zip me up across the back.

This method works beautifully. Doesn't matter how thick or stretchy the suit is. Doesn't matter if you use shampoo or conditioner. Doesn't matter if you use panty hose (with or sans crotch). And best of all, it's free.
A wonderful lady from the Great Lakes started me on the grocery bag thing. It works like a charm and it does not look crazy.

the above thread describes what happens when you dont get some help, below is the best advice I have gotten from ScubaBoard yet.

The 50/50 hair conditioner trick was given to me by a scubaboard member and I would kiss him if I ever ran into him.

I put it into a spray bottle and spray either the inside of the legs of my suit or my legs and a brandy new 7ml wetsuit that I had to buy cause I couldn't get out of it in the shop slides on like a dream. Then a squirt on each arm and they are in and I am off.

I use an entire spray bottle of the stuff just about every dive day cause everyone else in the group grabs it and uses it too. Even when "they dont really need it but..."

Lycra skin. Works for me. I just put my feet in the feet, grab the waist area, and I can pull the suit up in one easy motion. Sooooo much easier than all the struggling I did before. No more jumping up and down trying to yank the crotch up high enough!

Although I looked like a mega dork for using a skin AND a 7mm full suit in 80 degree water. :D
Not to be a spoil-sport, but I get a kick out of watching people do the "wetsuit dance." If someone is sufficiently amusing putting it on, I video them taking it off.
Especialy when they go to all that work and get it on backwards! LMAO...Sorry, bad instructor, I know....
I like the spray bottle idea! I wonder if the same baby shampoo used for masks would work as well as conditioner?
Old panty hose helps a lot. Being female you won't even need to cut the crotch out.:eyebrow:

Now THIS is a man who is completely comfortable with himself!

But... I hate wearing panyhose under a skirt or dress... I'm certainly NOT going to wear it to go diving...:D :D :D

Do you have any pictures? I think I need proof before I believe THIS method works!

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