It's time to plan for Fall Meet & Greet: Oct 24-26, 2008 at Gilboa

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5th - I still think it's wrong for the GLWC to always have the large M&Gs and thus promote one quarry. I like Gilboa but I also like many other quarries. A fun one for mid-Summer might be Joe's even if it's in another region!

If you want to plan a get together at any other place than feel free to do so. You dont have to just have one when it is discussed on here. You can start your own thread at any other time and try and have one somewhere else.
That settles it senior members have all spoken.... Gilboa it is. The only one not to speak up is Mitten Diver I guess he is still looking for HOT DAUGHTERS in the splinter cell group.

I guess this is a call out for my input. I wish that Whitestar had a better set-up to accommodate the Meet & Greet. For that matter any other quarry had better accommodations. This topic has been beat to death on multipule occassions. While I have dove at all three of the suggested quarries, Gilboa's set-up is the best for this particular activity.

As many of you are aware it is quite an undertaking for me to set-up at the site with my dive trailer, awning, chairs, table, camping supplies, etc. Most of the dive gear and any extras are stored in my dive trailer. For me to dive in one location and camp in another is quite an undertaking. At Gilboa I can set-up camp, pull out dive gear, leave food out and then I have the option of diving when and if I want to. There are times that I just want to hear my own voice so I may decide to sit out a dive or two. If we were to utilize Whitestar I might feel compelled to dive every time. Diving at Gilboa allows me to sread out and not have to be concerned about picking up my dive gear each day.

I have attended every Meet & Greet that we have ever had including the one at Portage and Gilboa just has a better set-up and better diving then the next best option Portage. The time we were there one of the local schools had an all night bomb fire and party. Sorry but the yellow water at Portage does not provide me with a high level of enthusiasim. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, my opinion, Gilboa is the best location for this event. I don't think that the GLWC promotes Gilboa as the only quarry as there are multiple threads about diving at the other quarries and each quarry has certain qualities that make it appealing as a dive site.

I also miss Ray and Libby as well as multiple other GLWC members that I have met over the years that we have been doing the Meet & Greets. I wish that we could get greater attendance at all of the events. I have developed some awesome friendships with people I see twice a year, Ted, Denny, Ber, Brian, JChoby, Ken, KT and others( please don't be offended if your name was not included).

Meet & Greet is what it is, a time to get together under an advanced date to give people the most time to plan to attend. It is not intended to as a way to put a charter together as that would limit the number of potential members attendance at the event. It is intended to provide a means for interested divers to meet potential new dive buddies. It was always intended to promote friendship first and foremost and provide newer divers with an opportunity to meet more experienced divers for advice and diving companionship. A number of attendy's are freshly certified divers that are looking for an opportunity to get back in the water to gain a little confidence. Typically they may be diving new gear configurations and are looking for a safe place to get things dialed in. The senior members of the group are always there to provide advice, extra equipment and a certain comfort level for those newer divers looking for support.

Let's also not forget the carry in meal. This has grown from a little lunch to epic proportions. Frankenmuth_Tom's original intention was to sample some micro brewery beer to what we have now. Again with Gilboa this meal starts about 11:00 or so and goes through-out the entire day. This would be a little tougher to do at a place like Whitestar.

As the newly appointed President of the GLWC my vote is to stay at Gilboa. I would be open to a different location as long as it provides the same type of amenities as Gilboa has. Please submit your favotite dive destination as a separate thread for evaluation. Have Rich get the camping policy changed at Whitestar.

That's my input on the matter!!!!!
Actually it is 8.00 per person per night to camp at Gilboa so you have to add 8.00 more to your figures to the cost of Gilboa. but still it is 8.00 dollars not to have to haul your gear.

If I can get 10 people that wants to go to Key largo I can try and set something up..

Yes, I know, I was just using 1 night of camping as my example since not everyone shows up Friday night. :)
Regardless of it all, I'm far from being a senior member so I'll leave the decision making to someone else. Just tell me when and where to bring Ber's wine so we can hear more ceiling fan exploits!!!!!I was entertained!!!!:popcorn:
4th - I am SOOOOO SORRY Ber. I never thought I'd make you agree with Steve in public.


5th - I still think it's wrong for the GLWC to always have the large M&Gs and thus promote one quarry. I like Gilboa but I also like many other quarries. A fun one for mid-Summer might be Joe's even if it's in another region!

I like the idea of spreading the love around, so to speak. I'd travel.

You know I'm taking a class with Steve this weekend...he's going to be unbearable.

Your statement lightly implies that I'm not unbearable ALL the time, so I'll take it! :D

Just tell me when and where to bring Ber's wine so we can hear more ceiling fan exploits!!!!!

HEAR about the exploits? I'm wondering how much wine...oh wait, she knows where I'm sleeping this weekend. I think we should promote a dry M&G. :11:
Here is the lay out for Whitestar!
Ok lets try this again.


  • White Star Quarry.JPG
    White Star Quarry.JPG
    52.4 KB · Views: 63
Ok lets try this again.

Yep, that indeed be the place.

For thos unfamiliar with WS:

camping is on the west side of Main St (thats to the left on the picture for those navigationally challenged). The diving is on the east side of the quarry (thats the right side of the picture.).

Then why mention it at all to begin with.

It was in response to a statement where someone said that to them M&G type events are more fun if everyone is a diver. & thus that non-diver fees shouldn't be factored in. I was pointing out that not all divers are able to dive at every event. I also mentioned that someone couldn't dive due to other medical reasons without mentioning names.

Besides, it obviously has you thinking! :D

If you want to plan a get together at any other place than feel free to do so. You dont have to just have one when it is discussed on here. You can start your own thread at any other time and try and have one somewhere else.

I do. & others do. Most of my GLWC diving has been at non-M&G events. Have even met and dove with people in other regions/states. Tons o' fun and good diving!

My main points were cost and promoting other venues when it comes to what you term the 'official' M&Gs. I know this Fall is going to be at Gilboa. Back to planning who's coming and what they are bringing.


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