I agree, BUT....
You don't think that a headline saying:
Parents Outraged at Principal of Private School Who Refused to Press Charges Against Teacher Who Made Bomb Threat Hoax Against the School.
would not have similar results?
I agree that will have similar outrage results. Very much so....
but I think the principal was thinking of the "right then and there" of how to squash it and not the "revolt" of parents, community and media that would follow.
(doesn't make it right though....)
On another note, a lot has changed on how situations are dealt with in schools, etc. I mean when I was in school 25 years ago, kids would pull fire alarms and call in joke bomb threats. They either "got licks" (paddling) or got a few days suspension.
Now... it's a felony terrorist threat. HUGE difference in punishment over the years.