Really? Wow..... That is Bogus. I have had many changes where the flight gets moved an hour or two, but never a whole day, lol. That's going way too far.
Yeah, I played one of those to our advantage last year. We were flying into South Dakota to tour a few national parks, catch the solar eclipse in Idaho, then had to be back that night. We wanted to return from Idaho Falls, but the fares were absurd with the eclipse, so we bought tickets returning from Bozeman Montana I think it was, figuring we had just enough time to watch the eclipse then rush north for our flights.
A few months before the trip the airline tried to cancel our return flight and move us up to one several hours earlier, before the eclipse! No way! I called to object, dragged the call on a bit just saying that we absolutely could not make it that early to hopefully get the agent mildly frustrated, and then - suggested we could return from Idaho Falls on that late afternoon departure, if he could arrange that. He agreed, we cut 150 miles off our drive, and we were all happy.
My daughter drove while I watched google maps, warning of her of known traffic jams, and suggesting detours. I was really impressed at how well the service seemed to track the hordes of cars that day.
Here's the rest of the family eating our sack lunches at a city park near the hiway, before time to don viewers, happy to have clear skies for the event.