@DandyDon you’re going to enjoy the views!
Any opportunity I have to go to St. George, I try to take the long way back to SLC through Cedar Breaks.
Long way? It looks like St.George to SLC is almost a straight shot on I-15. Well Cedar Breaks NM is 20 miles off of the interstate so that is a detour, yeah. I should be there Sunday afternoon three weeks from tomorrow. I kept looking at United's offerings to get me to & from St.George with a 6 night stay, not using more than the 20K mile minimum award, but not wanting to spend 15 hours going or coming as they kept offering - then I found this possibility with 7 hours each way. There is still a 4½ hour layover in Denver each way, but I can deal with those ok. I even have a couple of club passes I can use.
It'll be a quick visit as I arrive in St.G at 1:14pm if on time, so I've planned a 3¾ hour drive from the airport, thru the park, and on up to Salina for the night. If I can get my rental car and leave by 2pm, I can at least spend 2 or 3 hours at the park before heading to my hotel - more if I feel like it as my dinnertimes and bedtimes are flexible.
My daughter has been known to whine about some of my lengthy drive plans, but she's gotten better. She gets motion sick so she does most of the driving to avoid that, which is great by me. On our last trip together last March, she wanted to do a 9 hour drive from Lubbock to Surfside TX, but they've done that one before. I got them to take some detours and stop at three cemeteries so I could collect the plastic flowers I left last year and leave new ones. Her ancestors too, but I doubt she would have otherwise ever visited. I hope my granddaughter remembers. It added two hours, we had two vehicles, and we had 3 teens not related - 2 Chinese, but it wasn't too awkward. We came back on a different route and stopped by one more cemetery.
"Old men ought be explorers." T.S.Elliot
Best way to use FF is using partial FF and cash....never an issue and usually all seats are open buying this way....
And I've never been asked to accept a schedule change either? It's a take it or leave offer
I've never tried that. I will investigate.