Is the PADI SMB specialty a waste of money?

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So, I need to go and cough some money....:(
Or find someone you know who teaches the specialty to fill out a temp card for you.....
So, I need to go and cough some money....:(
Typically the kind of moments where you're just happy to know an instructor that knows you're able to dive that drysuit and just pay the card...
Or find someone you know who teaches the specialty to fill out a temp card for you.....

Typically the kind of moments where you're just happy to know an instructor that knows you're able to dive that drysuit and just pay the card...
That's why I said I have to cough money.
No you didn't understand, we're talking about paying the cert, which is like 10$ :wink:

Edit: well technically it's money, but it's so close to nothing that well...
It's been a long time since I took AOW, 2004. PADI does not teach DSMB in OW. Personally, I think it is a perfectly fine dive to include as one of the 5 for AOW, more valuable than many of the alternatives.
I've taught it, or seen it taught, in every padi ow class I've been a part of stone 2015
When I took it in 2014, it was not covered, so it's a quite recent addition.
Then your instructor missed the memo. It's included in the list of required skills in the 2014 Instructor Manual
I apologize. The changes were announced in late 2013, and the mandatory implementation date was July 2014.
What can I say, I'm a cheapskate :acclaim:
Talk to the shop ahead of time, tell them you are travelling etc and see how it goes. But do not turn up unannounced expecting to rent one.

People do mess it up, there is a fatality listed in the recent DAN report due to someone trying to figure out a drysuit from the instructions.

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