Is It me Or has SB Gotten very Segregated?

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you forgot the PUB man!
you forgot the PUB man!

Dude... that was a secret - I didn't want :eyebrow: to find out about it :wink:

Kidding... everyone is welcome in the SI and Pub given they follow and accept the rules of engagement.


Really - it's part of an opt-in already, so it's kind of a double opt-in - special bonus for entering the SI. :D

But I added it anyway to my post, since I forgot AZ Scuba as well (nothing personal AZ guys).
SB has changed in the past 45 days. :wink:

We just released a new ToS based on previous feedback and we've added a few forums to satisfy some niche groups.

ScubaBoard is evolving to meet the needs of the users who use it.

I don't think "segregation" is the right word... Segregation implies a negative thing... "compartmentalized" maybe, or more diverse? SB has more specific areas to satisfy the needs of the users and divers and how they dive. That's should be viewed as progress - no?
SB has changed in the past 45 days. :wink:

We just released a new ToS based on previous feedback and we've added a few forums to satisfy some niche groups.

ScubaBoard is evolving to meet the needs of the users who use it.

I don't think "segregation" is the right word... Segregation implies a negative thing... "compartmentalized" maybe, or more diverse? SB has more specific areas to satisfy the needs of the users and divers and how they dive. That's should be viewed as progress - no?
Yes... and no...

I don't feel "segregation" is the right word either... But... it depends on what "needs" of "which" users and "divers" you are meaning...

The squeaky wheel often gets lubed, but it may not be the problem issue.... This has always been a family friendly board... now, some can opt into a less than family friendly board... or, threads (and posters...) can be subject to individual ridicule, simply because they believe in a different ideal/humor/what is humor/ or, what should not be humor than some...
SB has changed in the past 45 days. :wink:

We just released a new ToS based on previous feedback and we've added a few forums to satisfy some niche groups.

ScubaBoard is evolving to meet the needs of the users who use it.

I don't think "segregation" is the right word... Segregation implies a negative thing... "compartmentalized" maybe, or more diverse? SB has more specific areas to satisfy the needs of the users and divers and how they dive. That's should be viewed as progress - no?

Supermarkets have the soda aisle, the frozen aisle, canned goods, dairy, meat, and produce organized so it is easier to find what you're looking for. It would be disconcerting to find diapers in the dairy case, or meat in the produce aisle. Tobacco is usually locked up, but available in the store so underage patrons can't get to it.

I think the way ScubaBoard is organized is a great way to meet everyone's needs.

Catherine, I do see your point, though--if the members of the various groups don't get out and mingle outside of their usual-haunt forums much, the current system does tend to limit the serendipitous encounters that could lead to new friendships.

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