Robert Phillips
My statement about you guessing wrong was in reference to your comment that you 'guess I must dive wet.' I was not referring to your knowledge of anything other than that.hardhat:I'm not guessing at how an exhaust valve and the Urinator are simlar, they both unscrew ( in half ) you punch a hole through the suit to accept they male half of the valve, once a sealant has been applied to that half, then you connect the two halves back together again with any gaskets placed in between the two halves. I know this not because I've done these installs to my own suit but have done hundreds of these installs in the shop that I work in. You are right that if the Urinator fails it cann't be closed, but you are wrong about closing off an exhaust valve if it fails. If it fails it's because of the diaphram has failed and there isn't really anything you can do but abort the dive or just live with being wet ( not a good idea ). But then if you weren't one of those DIR wiennies you might by bothered to find out how things work for real instead of taking things as gosple from the other DIR sheep that are around you.
You on the other hand have no such qualms, do you? Why would you even bring DIR into this conversation? You have no idea what I know or don't know and have no basis with which to judge me or who you think I "take things as gosple [sic] from."
If you had bothered to actually read what I said you might have noticed I said 'may be able to close it.' I may be wrong, but you are still an ***. There was absolutely no reason for you to fire off a DIR insult. But then you were just spouting off the party line, weren't you? Try not to follow the anti-DIR sheep to rabidly and you may come out ahead of the game. Let me know when you make a trip to California, will you. I would love to meet you face to face.