Invasion II

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Pictures were uploaded last night... I just waited for the bribes to be completed...

The Lotsa Love tour continued at InvasionII... We had so much fun that Saturday afternoon's reef dive turned out to be a nekkid dive for the entire crew!

Here are the long awaited nekkid pictures (after bribes have been collected) of lil' castaway, David, Walter, Marvel, Scuba_Jenny, Kbeck & CoolTech (MaryAnn, David, Walter, Marvel, Jenny, Krista & Jim)

Sorry about the water on the lens... This was the best pre-dive picture of the bunch...

What is Kbeck reaching for?

lil' castaway shows how shy she is...

2 of these in a row... watch the naughty bits when you're diving nekkid!



The taunting before lobster season opens continued!



Impressive so far? Ah, you people are too easy!

What's a nekkid dive without the obligatory swim through?









DebbyDiver (although, not nekkid) joined everyone for a time... Hey, we're an inviting group, the more the merrier... right MaryAnn?

Most of you understand that nekkid diving is diving without a wetsuit... Those who didn't know that, need to get a life... :rofl3:

Now for the really risqué parts... send the kids out of the room for these!


Kbeck displays the official boat shirt... Look, it's a wet T-Shirt contest!

OK, no need to get crabby about it... This guy could use a crab wash (and some garlic butter)


Molting, or mating season? Walter and Kbeck get the feeling and sport some new underwater fashion statements...


The gang... sad looking, fun hating bunch that we are....

OK, time to board the SS Walter for a cruise around the reef... Nice threesome!

Something about Christmas Tree Worms that I can't pass up when I get a chance to take a photo....



Well, that was the Lotsa Love Nekkid Dive... Of course, Walter and I dove nekkid all weekend long and several others joined us on each dive...

Lotsa memories from this Invasion... Lotsa Love to everyone who made it soooo special! Thanks!
Great pictures Jim!! And great memories! We definitely need to dive nekkid together more often. I'm sure David won't mind. :wink:

I'll give you my bribe payment the next time we see each other!

:lotsalove: Lotsa Love!!!
Missing wetsuit has been found ..... Thanks MissD
PS MissD have you posted your pics?
Wow Jim!! What great photos. I'm embarrassed to show mine now. Thanks for being such a great host at the condo. It was wonderful the way you organized that. And thanks to Rich (at least I think that's who it was) for the coffee and the wonderful breakfast of bacon and eggs that morning.
Thanks to Jenny and whoever else was in charge of organizing the Invasion. It was a pleasure to finally meet all of these people who have only been cyber friends up until now. Special thanks to Capt. Gary and Brenda for specatucular diving and top notch crew. A lot of firsts for me on this trip. First time on the Eagle, the Duane and the Grove. I LOVED them all. And an extra special thanks to Capt. Jim for taking us to the prettiest reef on Monday afternoon. I can't tell you all what it was because it's a scret.:rofl3:
Since leaving the Keys on Monday I've been diving Jupiter. (EXTRA EXTRA THANKS to my friend Robyn for the ride). Again, spectacular diving with one of my best buds, Angie (who is also the most gracious hostess with the mostess.) So many loggerheads. Humongous Goliath Groupers, Caribbean reefies. Drift diving is a blast. And I don't have to worry about finding my way back to the boat.:rofl3: Also saw a really cool white spotted soapfish today and the largest arrowcrab I've ever seen. Well, gotta go an eat her yummy dinner of lobster and mariated chicken. Life is good. Don't want to go home.
Kim, my pictures suck. But here you go anyway. Note that I "stole" some of the other folks' pics for this album just so I could show them to my non-ScubaBoard friends without giving them a plethora of links to pics to wade through. I hope none of you are going to sue me for copyright violation!!!

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