Instructor Requirements- continued...

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True. And maybe the agencies should publish the standards in a way that makes them accessible to the public. .

they recently came up with something called the
where they publish all their standards in a format that is readily accessable to the public.

I'm not sure but I think PADI 5 star career development centers are exempt from the six month rule.

nope, the six month rule is steadfast,

the exception that you are thinking of is that a candidate can take Instructor Training in less than six months, but they recieve Assistant Instructor teaching status until the six months requirement is met.

Actually, I don't see that reporting it to PADI would've done much ...
... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Bob, not reporting it is with out a doubt "not going to do much"

and if there are a couple of people in the thread that interpret what you said as a whine, then that is because that is how it came across. It sounded like one of those people you see on the TV that says "I didnt vote, but this government sucks"..
cancun mark:
and if there are a couple of people in the thread that interpret what you said as a whine, then that is because that is how it came across. It sounded like one of those people you see on the TV that says "I didnt vote, but this government sucks"..

I'm calling BS on this one ...

I never said anything sucks ... in fact, I made no judgmental statements about it at all. If you think I did, go ahead and provide the quote. Stating observations about something isn't the same as whining.

If you want to think otherwise, go nuts ... or perhaps you're just trolling ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Not exactly. A piece of vellum _might_ keep riff-raff out of at least the higher leadership levels. -hh

Honestly dude, this smacks of bigotry... replace riff raff with an ethnic or religeous group and re read your statement, you would have riots in the streets

For but one example, PADI's banned instructor webpage is here:

If this was a high quality report, there would be a lot more information on this page, but there isn't even a Publication Date. The years listed behind each instructor's name isn't defined, but it appears to be the date that the Instructor was drummed out...the most recent date is 1997. Either PADI hasn't found a single bad instructor in the past 7 years, or they don't think its important to keep the public informed anymore, since its not rocket science to maintain one simple page of text on a website.


try this one, you are looking at the archives, not the most recent report..

Just out of interest, does any other agency have such a published report?? and if so can someone else paste a link in please.
Teaching PADI to the standards Not spreading rumours that sort of stuff, not being a collage grad I don't know much about the rest of what you said ? sorry

Being that you're an OWSI, I'd highly recommend that you go buy yourself a copy of ANSI Z86.3, even if your Agency hasn't told you about it: it is functionally one of the standards to which the Agency has written their training courses around for you to use, and will use to defend themselves against you if you get tied up in a lawsuit.

It's only $25. While you're at it, look thru the DIN and ISO standards too (they cost around $100 each).

cancun mark:
they recently came up with something called the
where they publish all their standards in a format that is readily accessable to the public.

Unfortunately, PADI's website says:

"This product is only available to PADI Professionals."

and if there are a couple of people in the thread that interpret what you said as a whine, then that is because that is how it came across. It sounded like one of those people you see on the TV that says "I didnt vote, but this government sucks"..

I'm currently voting with my wallet: those Agencies that I don't like don't get any of its contents.

they recently came up with something called the

where they publish all their standards in a format that is readily accessable <sic> to the public.

How accessible? How easy is it for a potential consumer to get a copy of the standards for each of the agencies?

If someone gets a copy, how easy are they to read?
cancun mark:
try this one, you are looking at the archives, not the most recent report..

Thanks for that correction.

While I will nevertheless complain about how the current list has even fewer dates, it does at least allow us to infer that PADI has kicked out a total of 63 DM's and Instructors (combined) since 1997, which would be roughly 10 per year...and IIRC, less than 0.1% of the total candiate population. Clearly, if 99.9+% of the Instructors were golden, this thread wouldn't exist.

Just out of interest, does any other agency have such a published report?? and if so can someone else paste a link in please.

Not online that I'm personally aware of. I'd also be highly interested in seeing a URL link...

cancun mark:
Just out of interest, does any other agency have such a published report?? and if so can someone else paste a link in please.

NAUI has such a list on their website.

That should get you to the main page. From there anyone should be able to find it. If it can't be found then it's not public, which is what you are looking for.
Being that you're an OWSI, I'd highly recommend that you go buy yourself a copy of ANSI Z86.3, even if your Agency hasn't told you about it: it is functionally one of the standards to which the Agency has written their training courses around for you to use, and will use to defend themselves against you if you get tied up in a lawsuit.

It's only $25. While you're at it, look thru the DIN and ISO standards too (they cost around $100 each).


Where might one obtain ANSI Z86.3? I think I used to have one about 9 years ago but lost several things due to water damage.

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