I understand that as do you. But will the family? Currently there is a case of a missing person, I will not say missing diver because some of the best people in the world say he's not in the cave, that the family refuses to believe is not alive and is in a cave. They are offering a reward to someone that can go in and find what is not there. People grieve. And in their grief make decisions and offer up explanations and reasons for the deceased dying that at best are erroneous and at worst downright crazy. They want to accuse people who had no hand in the death of the person. Whether its out of some need to feel vindicated or to protect some memory of the victim. They refuse to accept that their loved one messed up. Or that it was their time. And in the process of doing this they cause unnecessary suffering to the living. Those divers have to live with the fact that they were unable to retrieve a fellow diver. One they had hired to guide them. Unless they are unfeeling bastards that has to have affected them. So now on top of that they get accused of killing the man. The deceased knew the risks of what he was doing. Something went wrong and he died. Maybe through his own actions or inaction. Time to let him rest in peace. This is why waivers are useless. Families don't sign them. And families need to have something or someone to take their anger out on. And maybe cash in on.
Then you have lawyers who count on that. And like vultures theu circle until there is some sign that the family wants blood in the form of money. At that point they swoop in and desecrate the memory of the deceased by prolonging the grief process with legal proceedings that rehash the event and the loss. All in the name of "justice for the victim" and "the family". When really its about a payday. Otherwise they would not need to take 30-40%. And the system is set up to perpetuate the travesty since the judges that decide the cases and lawmakers that write the statutes are lawyers themselves. They feed their own.
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Then you have lawyers who count on that. And like vultures theu circle until there is some sign that the family wants blood in the form of money. At that point they swoop in and desecrate the memory of the deceased by prolonging the grief process with legal proceedings that rehash the event and the loss. All in the name of "justice for the victim" and "the family". When really its about a payday. Otherwise they would not need to take 30-40%. And the system is set up to perpetuate the travesty since the judges that decide the cases and lawmakers that write the statutes are lawyers themselves. They feed their own.
Sent from my BlackBerry 9550 using Tapatalk