Here are a list of questions I want answered.
- Why do you come here?
- Why do you post accidents and incidents? (This is especially for you, @DandyDon!)
- WHAT IS OUR MISSION? (in your words, please)
- Are we meeting your and the community's needs?
- What are we missing and why?
- How can we add that?
- What needs to be eliminated and why?
- How can we be more respectful to friends and survivors?
- Can we be more respectful without harming our mission?
- Currently, we don't allow names to be used unless released publicly first. Is this fair for the family? Is it fair for us? Is a change needed?
Hello ScubaBoard,
As you can tell by my small post counts, I don't often add to discussions in threads on SB..... mainly because there are far more qualified people to answer most of the questions, or to add perspective and I don't think my comments would add anything significant.
I feel obligated to respond to this post. Although I do not comment frequently, I do read through the forum very regularly, and spend a good deal of my time in Accidents & Incidents and in Scuba related court cases. Other than that, I mostly look at Basic & Advanced scuba threads, and in all 4 cases, it has become a collection of knowledge and experience for me.
My interest in reading the Accidents and Incidents threads specifically is for the following explanations of what happened and why. This has become a pool of easily accessible and more experienced divers that I have been able to use as a resource, that often answer questions that I wouldn't think to ask. In doing so, it has significantly changed the way I analyze my own habits.
From the perspective of a comparatively new diver, this forum has been extremely valuable to me as a resource.... although, there is much sifting required. I think the accident facts, and following posts that explain the immediate "why" behind the facts are very helpful. I have noticed however that sometimes it becomes a soap box for people to comment to their own wider agenda to change views. This doesn't offend me personally, but it does make it take longer for me to get the information I am looking for out of the thread.
One more comment - I never really bothered to look at who was posting what, but whomever are the people mentioned that are searching for accidents and incidents to put on the thread, I would thank them for two reasons. One, it has provided more opportunity for me to see what could go wrong when I dive, and has certainly opened my eyes to how many dive accidents happen all over the world. As a great example, I had no idea divers went missing so frequently all over the world, I am subsequently purchasing a PLB for my wife and I, as well as a CO detector after reading this forum...... which I hope to never use, but will certainly credit SB for saving my life should I ever need to.
- Why do you come here? - See above.
- Why do you post accidents and incidents? - I haven't, but should I ever have one (and survive) I will certainly post it on here so others can benefit as I have.
- WHAT IS OUR MISSION? (in your words, please) - I have no idea.
- Are we meeting your and the community's needs? - Yes
- What are we missing and why?
- How can we add that?
- What needs to be eliminated and why?
- How can we be more respectful to friends and survivors?- I would propose that the emotions that posters feel and comment to show failings of training agencies or other businesses and organizations will never compare to the emotions felt by those close to an accident. That is not to say that they are not important, but they are felt with substantially less severity. As a suggestion, I think all posts on any forum should meet this circumstance with compassion first, which can sometimes be lost.
- Can we be more respectful without harming our mission? - I think this is the wrong question. Being respectful is always a possible choice. The real question I think you are asking here: "Is being respectful more important than our mission". As above, I don't know what your mission is, however, I place very few things above respect, and most certainly your mission would not make the list. If you cannot achieve the mission through respectful conversation or action, I would pose you should altar your mission.
- Currently, we don't allow names to be used unless released publicly first. Is this fair for the family? Is it fair for us? Is a change needed?- Again, I would go back to my previous two comments. In this circumstance, what is best for the family, and the importance and strength of their emotions far outweigh the curiosity of the forum. There is no intellectual benefit realized by readers in knowing the name of the individual.
Lastly, thank you to all those who take their time to share information, experience and expertise on the threads.