I'll put two points up only for the moment in addition to agreeing it's an opt in.
1. I know BSAC isn't US, but they do provide a decent report every year giving a list of the incidents with as much detail as possible. they also summarise the years' record against other years. They are well worth a read. when they come out I post a link, but not sure how many people bother. It's a shame you have this info out there to learn from and it's not used. So perhaps a way to incorporate these reports?
This point struck me as important, and while we're on the subject, I think we might be well-served not to gloss over it. I've been struggling off & on since reading it to figure out why A&I threads if anything are criticized for drawing too much 'rubber-necking' whereas reporting by BSAC (doesn't DAN also so some reporting?) is often ignored (at least by some, despite I'm guessing being presumed to be of highly quality?).
The question of whether there's a way to incorporate these reports is key. If you're open to expanding the function of the forum section a bit, perhaps interested people who review those reports could start a thread with one, and we could, as a community, take a look at it, the same way we currently do? I assume the social aspect, including the benefits of community discussion, is what gives A&I threads an edge in drawing eye balls, so to speak.
But be mindful copying & pasting from another organization's material might be copyright infringement, so it would require some thought as to how to go about it (and maybe permission from the report's owner).
Another aspect of an A&I thread is the mystery factor; that this is an unsolved case. Reports by BSAC or DAN may be presumed to have already been explored/figured out to the max., so some may see little point in discussing them.
Turns out that speculating may serve a useful function.