You are literally correct, the sticker only reflects the status at the time of the inspection. We had some info as to what constituted normal tank use, inregards to cylendar cracking and that is where we got the normal usage was 2 fills a week. Higher fill rates called for more agressive periodic visual inspection frequency. I never said the sticker was good for a year , I said it was good for a max of one year. Any use that would cause reason to inspect more frequently should result in more frequent inspection, IE you received a tank of bad air as you have posted. A foul smell in the air says something is not right in the tank and should be placed out of service until a thorough inspection of its contents has been made.
Elan i think we are speaking the same. Just wording it differently. Clearly i am not suggesting that the vis sticker will protect your tank for a 1 year period any more than a dive cert will protect you from dieing.
To answer you expiration question directly, Yes we did. The sticker is valid for up to one year and expires in the month stamped on the sticker. The year stamped,,, in the year of the inspection as not to be confused to being the year of the expiration for the purposes previously mentioned. Anything that would cause a need to reinspect earlier that the norm of 1 yr would be things like, air with an odor, tank has been damaged or in an environment that may have caused damage to the cylendar. such things would include tank in vehicle that was involved in an accident. tank dropped such that it became gouged. an example that ws provided was a tank that was hit by a porprller and gouged the tank deeper than allowed. the 1 year vis was void at that moment. fill monkeys are supposed to do a quick visual inspection of each tank among other things prior to filling to detect possible damage to a tank suggesting that a visual shoul be done prior to further ussage. All this was in my course Including issues of stress related cracking which was the soursce of the issue of "nornal tank usage was" 2 fills a week and that the vis was good for up to 1 year for tanks of normal usage. Those who rent tanks or are operators should evaluate the tanks usage to determine how frequent inspection should be done not to exceed the max of 1 year. I can not comment on what was in your course, ro whether mine was any more accurate or less than yours. only what was taught in mine. I think it is pretty common sence that boat filled tanks has a higher PROBABILITY of having moisture in them than shore filing stations. any filling that is done by removing the reg and filling has a higher chance of water than a tank that sits for a day and then gets filled.
As a reference to this i offer the book INSPECING CYLENDARS put out by PSI 4th edition chapter 6. As to what is the base documents for this is i do not know off hand and although i could find out i am not going to.
KWS did not you guys go through this expiration nonsense in your PSI class?
There is no such thing as a vis expires in a year or the sticker is valid for one year and the inspector open himself to all legal crap when they put a sticker with any indication of an expiration. All that the sticker indicates is that the tank was inspected and/or cleaned on the posted date and conforms to XYZ reccomendations on that date. One day later the diver can fill the tank with crap and so why would I as an inspector put a sticker that is "valid" for a year.
Its up to the filler to make a decision pn what expiration period to accept. They can agree on 2 years or 2 days. The latter might cost them business though. So most kind of agreed to 1 year but thats just a state of affairs not a law or recommendation. The compressor owner makes the rules we vote with our wallets
---------- Post added March 18th, 2013 at 01:25 PM ----------
As for a previous comment of documantation in regards to inspeation ect here are some references CGA
c-1 methods for hydro testing of compressed gas cylendars
c-5 cylenday service life seamless steel hp cylendars
c-6 standards for visual inspection of steel cylendars
c-6.1 standards for visual inspection of aluminum cylendars
c-6.2 guidlines for visual inspection of FRP cylendars