In memorium: Rob Davie, aka BigJetDriver

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I'm shocked. My heartfelt condolences to Rob's family and friends. I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I feel richer for having read his posts here. He will be truly missed.
Well, when I saw the thread title, I wasn't sure what to think. So I started reading. 17 pages later, I'm here at the (temporary) end of the thread. It isn't often that we get affected by the death of someone we didn't know. But this seems different to me. Just last weekend I got to dive with Uncle Pug. He took time to dive with a newbie. My regular dive buddy, CoachRenz, has taken the time on many dives to mentor me and take me to places I've never been. Gary D shared information about public safety diving with me. Hank49 answered questions about diving in his neck of the woods so we could plan a trip. NWGratefulDiver is setting up a "veterans/newbies" dive and I get to be his dive buddy. Others from SoCal and NorCal have answered threads and PMs to help out. So how does this relate to BigJetDriver?

I'm beginning to realize that the scuba world is a small community of people that care about each other, even if we live thousands of miles apart, and our opinions seem even farther apart.

So my thoughts to the family and friends.

For some reason, I'm reminded of a ritual used for police officers (Gary D and others may be able to chime in on this...) when they fall in the line of duty. I may have the details slightly off, but at their memorial service, a call is sent out over the radio, asking for a response from the deceased officer. Silence is the response. Few things are more moving. Wondering if there is an equivalent in the scuba world?


This is frustrating! Sheryl spoke to Washington. his body should be in Ciaro today. If all goes well, he can be heading back this way by Thursday. We want him home.
Rob was part of a volunteer dive recuse in the Gulf Coast are. We are thinking that this would be a great place to send donations in lue of flowers. He would like that, and Sherly liked the idea too. I'll let you know the addy and such as soon as I know.
This is frustrating! Sheryl spoke to Washington. his body should be in Ciaro today. If all goes well, he can be heading back this way by Thursday. We want him home.
T, that's probably as fast as it can be done, and - altho the family has probably already considered this, sometimes the obvious can be overlooked.

While I believe that the U.S.State Dept handles these transfers, I am sure that Continental Airlines would like to do anything possible to assist. Just in case they have not been consulted, an idea...?

Good luck on getting Rob home swiftly and without challenges.
Got lots of diving insight and suggestions in just the short time I've logged here. BJD was one with a wealth of knowledge and a friendly personality. I am saddened to hear this.

God's speed on your voyage sailor, to where the water is like blue-clear glass,a warm wind fills your sails, and your watch always runs on "Island Time".
The memorial service will be sometime next week at Carnes Funeral Home in Texas City, when we can pinpoint a day, I will let y'all know. We will also let ya'll know about donations in his honor and where to make them soon.
Thanks NetDoc for setting me up here, its a comfort for the family. love to you all...

I work 5 miles from Texas City. Please be sure to let us know when the date is set.
Your uncle is a great loss to the scuba world. I will miss him.
Please extend our prayers and condolences to his family.
God Bless,
He was a great man and very helpful to all. I offer my deepest sympathies to his family. He will be truly missed.
I was stunned when I first read the news. I've always enjoyed the insight from Rob's posts; he will truly be missed.

Unlike most of you, I did have the chance to meet him in person. A good friend of mine took a rebreather course in Grand Cayman and he and Rob met and became friends. He introduced me to Rob at DEMA a few years ago and was immediately struck by his knowledge and sincerity.

Rob was truly one of those people that you instantly like (and I don't like very many!).

It wasn't until I read almost to the end of this that I realized this happened in Egypt, presumably the same rebreather trip that my friend is on.

His passing leaves a sense of loss and a hole in the ocean that will never truly be filled no matter how many tears are shed.

My deepest condolences to his family and those that were closest to him.

Yet one more person here who was touched by him - his obvious heart, kindness and buoyant spirit. Always helpful, giving and just plain fun. His is a loss for all of us. My prayers to all who knew and loved him well. We are better for him having been in our life in whatever manner. We share in the grief and the love.
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