In memorium: Rob Davie, aka BigJetDriver

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thank you, Colin... i needed that laugh

i still can't believe this is true

as to details, there are very few. Rob's wife sent out an e-mail to friends
that has been posted in The Deco Stop and Rebreather World.
there is no doubt it was a diving accident, not related to the explosions.

Sad to admit - but I hope so... (Just found out that one of the guys that I dove with in the past got killed along with another diver in the explosions... That's why I am saying that hopefully Rob passed while doing what he loved to do)...

Rest in peace Big Jet Driver - we're really going to miss you around here. May God comfort your family during this time.

Requiescat in pace BJD...
WOW. The love for Uncle Rob is amazing guys! Its a great thing to come here and see all of this. I am passing along all this to Sheryl. His son did email a couple on her behalf, and I am checking in here and with a few of his friends from here for her. She appreciated everyone being so kind.
To clear something up, yes, he was actually diving when this happened. We dont have details, that will come later. Please lets dont speculate, we will let you all know as we know the details. And in the end, what does it matter....
Thanks again to all, much love and its awsome to seee the love for Rob here.I will give exact dates for memorial as soon as we have them. He and Sheryl had spoke about what his wishes were for him whenever he died....he wants to be creamated, part of him scattered from a plane, and the rest scattered in the ocean he loved so muc. So, Sheryl will be sending Rob skydiving into the ocean one last time .... in true Rob fashion. I think he'd like that...
There are so few who live life with the passion and commitment Rob did. He will be missed.

Condolences to his family.
I have run into very few people in my life that had aspects to their personality that I so admired. Rob conducted himself in a manner that I will always strive to achieve.

What a Classy, Gentle Man.
Rob and were going to have lunch a few weeks back while he was in OCal. I go 'too busy' at work and we decided, since he was going to be coming here frequently working on his latest RB project, that we would do it 'next time'. Little did I know, there wouldn't be a 'next time'.....and this is a reminder to all of us not to take for granted our friendships.

Rob, you are already sorely missed!
I am stunned and overwhelmed with emotion right now as I read this.

I never met Rob in person, but over the past few years we have exchanged some very amusing PM's, some educational PM's, and some basic chit-chat...but it was all worthwhile, and it was all important. He definitely knew how to make people laugh and to find the positive in things. After Hurricane Emily, and then again after Wilma, he PM'd me almost weekly for awhile just to check on me and to see if we needed anything down here. He was a special soul.

Rob was the voice of reason and always stood up for what was right. He was supportive and insightful. His wealth of knowledge was a true asset to this board and I cannot really believe that we have lost him and I truly regret not having met him in person. I kept telling him that one of these trips to Houston, I would give him a call and take him to lunch.

I will be in Houston next week, so perhaps I will be able to say goodbye to him then.

The peace we can have is knowing that God now has bigger plans for him and his precious time serving us here was cherished and will not be forgotten.

As insignificant as this may be, my deepest sympathies are with his family, friends, colleagues, and his Scubaboard family.

Rest in peace will never be forgotten!
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