In memorium: Rob Davie, aka BigJetDriver

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Oh my... This isn't like hearing about the death of some mountain climber from a foreign country. This strikes close to home.

I didn't know him personally but I read a number of his posts and remember him as being composed, empathic and caring.

My condolences to his family.
I think I'll raise a glass of my finest scotch and toast his life.

This is so very sad...I don't have words to say what hasn't already been said here but perhaps a quote or two to express my heartfelt condolences and a of salute to Rob...

"Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee". (John Donne)

"All life is the struggle, the effort to be itself. The diffiulties which I meet with in order to realize my existence are precisely what awaken and mobilize my activities, my capacities." (Jose' Ortega y Gasset)

The 2nd quote seems to apply especially to Rob. I will miss him greatly even though we never met. I hope that his adventures will continue in after-life and that his family will receive some comfort knowing that he had so many friends, known and unknown to him,and that his giving and knowledge will continue to be found here.
I don't get choked up often and have been thinking about this since last night when I first learned of it.. now I'm reading aabout it again and really on the verge of crying in public (at my wifes office (, all the preg chicks would cry with me and have no clue why). I know he's reading these posts somewhere.. For those on ScubaBoard who have met him I consider lucky, for those of us who hadn't I consider us lucky for having just had the opportunity to have shared some time and information with him here on ScubaBoard.

My love and condolences to his wife and children, co-workers who will now be void of his presence, friends..

Mourn not the loss of the person who is gone but cherish the memories and good times with the person who touched our lives.

Rob - May your spirit find peace in all oceans my friend!
A diver's prayer...
Our Father, thank you for this opportunity to visit a very special realm and witness firsthand the glory and wonder of your magnificent works. Grant us safe passage through this awesome place, remembering that you are the God of the Universe, and you bless us daily. And if it should be Your will that our time should end here in this beautiful underwater world, let those left behind be comforted and given peace. Let us always be mindful of the beauty of your creation, realizing that it is a gift, a treasure with which we should take great care, as is the life You have given us.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your grace and compassion. As we return to the surface and re-enter the world above, let us be renewed in spirit and baptized afresh, so that the light of your love may be seen through us.
In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen

All of us at CDOT (Christian Divers of Texas) lift up Rob, his family, his friends here at SB, and the multitude of divers whose lives he has touched.
A post on a Rebreather Board Rob was a member of from his niece HERE.(Post #30)
Lightning Fish:
I think I'll raise a glass of my finest scotch and toast his life.


My thoughts exactly, Bill.

Let's raise a toast to a man who lived life like his hair was on fire!

Let's not forget to remember him for the way he lived because I'm sure if you could ask him he would tell you that life itself is the only thing worth living for.

Death is strangely inconsequential, merely a side effect of life -- the ultimate milestone, perhaps -- but as much a reason to celebrate a life well lived as to mourn a death badly timed.

I will miss you, brother, but I will not mourn your life!

A toast, to Rob Davie: May your passion, charm and depth of spirit serve to inspire us as we push on from here!

I am stunned. Though I did not know him personally he once edited one of my posts and was kind enough to explain why in a PM. This started a private correspondance that while not frequent was always friendly, respectful, usually funny, and always beneficial to me. We posted on many of the same topics and I always respected his opinion. I will dedicate my first dive on the Duane next tuesday to him.
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