Hello Scubaboarders!
I have an important question/request that I'm posting here and also on the Scubaboard FB event page as well:
Has/did anyone experience any of the following symptoms either while in Bonaire or since their return... Nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, intense headache, neck pain, chills.
I would be so grateful to hear from you if you have, as I'm trying to pin-point when/where/how this sickness manifested to get to the bottom of how to treat it.
If you don't feel comfortable disclosing that you've been ****ting yourself (haha) in this thread, feel free to send me a direct message.
Thank you so much!
Jenni, I did not invade Bonaire but I did travel during the same time. Apparently there is a virus going around that is handily passed through airports. Basically, a form of flu with gastroenteritis effects. Treat the symptoms as you would with any other flu / virus. I know at least six people that also traveled (for work, as did I) that had the same thing.
---------- Post added July 6th, 2013 at 01:28 PM ----------
Thanks Rick and chrpai!
It's not actually me that's sick, although I do appreciate the well wishes!
I'm just going off info I'm receiving from a third party, and hope to know soon what's going on... my friend has been quite ill (and in hospital) since Tuesday night and they haven't been able to figure out what it is exactly.
Damn. Didn't want to go there, but one of my coworkers ended up in the hospital. Me, the worst was over in 24 hours. Good luck to your friend! S/he may not have had any antibodies to help kick this thing's butt.