^^^This^^^There is nothing "wrong" with the computer but with the divers understanding. The use of a "safe profile" is worth nothing without safe diving practises along with it.
Unfortunately this diver would probably have had a similar experience with most computers - he didn't RTFM (Read The F%^$^"! Manual). He sounds like he would have potentially done the same on any model of computer by picking a conservative profile then going into deco and hoping everything would be ok gas wise. Sounds like an exhibition case of normalisation of deviance. The lack of gas planning speaks volumes to me.
It doesn't take "tech" gear to make a diver unsafe - it is down to the mindset of the diver.
It is fundamental, if using a computer, to know if you have exceeded NDL. They all tell you that, and then they all go into deco mode.
The only thing special about the Shearwater is that -- unlike most -- it does not lock you out for 24-48h if you do something really stupid, assuming you are still functional/alive to do something after having been really stupid.