undefined :54:
What a timely question on the eve of my 54th birthday. I recall telling my wonderspouse many years ago that I wish he had been the first man in my life and I had started with him when I was 20. He responded, "But then you wouldn't be who you are." ...and then of course, I realized I'd be joining Mary Kay Letourneau in jail because I have 7 years on my husband.
I don't regret the mistakes or the bad relationships. I do regret being a young brat and not paying enough attention to older relatives before they died. I regret ignoring my crazy old grandmother when I was 23 and my father was killed. I had never liked her, and she scared me from the time I was a little kid...but I look back now and realize that it wasn't only me that had lost a beloved father, she had lost her only son and was stuck in a home and I was too damn immature and selfish to extend a hand to her.
In general, I'm not sorry for much I did, but I sure regret things I didn't do.
I REALLY regret not taking up diving a lot earlier.
I regret not knowing I was an attractive kid and having fun with it.
I regret not getting into emergency medicine earlier.
I wish I had stayed in school and had more options in careers.
I am now doing everything I've ever wanted, I'm an EMT, an investigator, an adventurer, a diver, a writer...but life is so short. Now that I am REALLY having fun, I don't want it to end:>}