If you had your life to live over

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Louie once bubbled...
I would take up a lifelong vow of celibacy at age 13.

May spare me a lifetime of liars, idiots, painfully inflated egos, meglomaniacs, worse-than-wastes-of-times, etc. etc.

It's never too late to become the person you could have been.
undefined :54:
What a timely question on the eve of my 54th birthday. I recall telling my wonderspouse many years ago that I wish he had been the first man in my life and I had started with him when I was 20. He responded, "But then you wouldn't be who you are." ...and then of course, I realized I'd be joining Mary Kay Letourneau in jail because I have 7 years on my husband.

I don't regret the mistakes or the bad relationships. I do regret being a young brat and not paying enough attention to older relatives before they died. I regret ignoring my crazy old grandmother when I was 23 and my father was killed. I had never liked her, and she scared me from the time I was a little kid...but I look back now and realize that it wasn't only me that had lost a beloved father, she had lost her only son and was stuck in a home and I was too damn immature and selfish to extend a hand to her.

In general, I'm not sorry for much I did, but I sure regret things I didn't do.

I REALLY regret not taking up diving a lot earlier.
I regret not knowing I was an attractive kid and having fun with it.
I regret not getting into emergency medicine earlier.
I wish I had stayed in school and had more options in careers.

I am now doing everything I've ever wanted, I'm an EMT, an investigator, an adventurer, a diver, a writer...but life is so short. Now that I am REALLY having fun, I don't want it to end:>}
If I had my life to live again,

I would travel more, swim more rivers and seas, see more sunsets, take more risks,
I would learn to love myself sooner, I would have more real problems than imaginary ones
i would fall in love with my wife 12 years sooner
Andy-that is soooo sweet....
spent more time with my grandfather, who died when I was 13. I was too immature and self-absorbed to realize that life is precious, and to not take people for granted.

He died of a heart attack one morning while he was visiting us. I was in too much of a rush to get to school that I didn't even say goodbye to him that day.

My lesson learned for that is this: If you love someone, tell them. Let them know how much they mean to you. Don't let your pride, or your fear, stand in your way.

I wish I had told my grandfather that I loved him that day. It may sound corny, but I hope he knows that I was just a silly teenager running out the door, but I really treasured knowing him. :-)
I'm only 20 so to live my life over would be a little too brief to repair any mistakes - but I wouldn't want to anyway. Like many have said, if it wasn't for both the good and bad things that happen, we wouldn't be who we are today and have the same people around us.

As for what I'd say to younger people - "live the life the way you want." You can't give advice to the general "youth". Each is individual - they need to learn from their own mistakes to develop their own personalities. For instance, someone said 21 is too young to be married - maybe for Joe Bloggs down the road, but others are mature enough. Its the same with all advice.

The amount of advice I have been given from parents, friends parents, grandparents, older sister, relatives and the homeless guy down the street....if I followed their advice I wouldn't be where I am today with a new dream job, a lovely home, a wonderful fiancee and the life I always wanted.

Just my 2 cents worth!

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