If you had your life to live over

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Evocative thread!

If I were 20 again.... I'd listen harder to my heart. Much harder.

I'd not take so long to find the things I really love to do, and to do them.

I'd wait longer to make the big decisions of life.

Yeah, there's a book there. Maybe someday you'll see at Borders! If ever I have the courage. . . . !
The only thing I would do different.Wouldn't have listened to people who told me "You can't do that!" At 40 I learned sign language It was a blast.And this April 15 I turn 45,AND I am going to Take a class in Scuba diving!! Gee, I can do that. HEE HEE Turtle Gal
If I had a chance to do any part of my life over...i would have to bring with me the experience and knowledge that I have today. So what I am saying is that I guess I wouldn't do it over...because my experiences have made me the person I am today.

I would, however, not ever be afraid to try anything...the worse that can happen is that it is not for you....but I do not want any regrets of.."i should of done that"....

As far as love........hmmmmmmmm.......I have been hurt and have hurt....but have learned and have grown from each experience. I try to be honest with myself first...which I think makes me a better partner. I have an amazing person in my life now...and a younger version of me may worry about what may happen....but me ..today..I am enjoying the journey and the discovery.
I know this might seem like a random question, but hopefully thought-provoking. As I am in mid mid-life crisis, I'd be very interested to know your responses to the question, "If I could go back and live my life over, this is what I'd do differently". I'm even considering writing a book on this subject for teenagers (polling their idols). I promise not to quote you.

I would have still made education a priority, however, after graduating, I would have followed my heart and dream to work for the protection and preservation of our ocean and sea life. The 'shoulds' kept me away from my dreams........and now at 46 it's very difficult to leave the aging parents, and 19 year old child to pursue my old selfish dreams.

Go to school and then live your dreams. Finding that passion will lead you to the answers for the rest of your life.
I agree that what I have been through in life, good or bad, has made me who I am today and lets me appreciate many things much more than I would have otherwise. But I would have started to dive sooner...Didn't start till I was 35, would have done it as soon as possible.
I kept up with this thread as it was evolving but stayed out of it. Now that I've stumbled across it again:

keytofreedom: How's the book coming?

Actually, several months ago I was discussing this idea with H. Jackson Browne, whose most well-known work is "Life's Little Instruction Book" (I'm not name-dropping. He's our across-the-fence neighbor at the office, not a personal friend) and he kind of took the wind out my sails when he told me that it had already been done.

Nevertheless, I've had a great deal of enjoyment reading everyone's views.
My Mother once told me,"You have one life to live and you can do or be anything you want in that life, if you set your mind to it." I have always carried her statement with me.

I remember as a kid wishing that I had lived 500 years ago and been someone like Christopher Colombus, or even the guy that emptied his slop bucket, wouldnt that be cool..

Then I realised that in 500 years time, some kid could be saying "I wish I had lived 500 years ago and been someone like Cancun Mark", and from that day on, I set out to make that kid proud, even if I end up being the slop bucket guy.


I wish I had written a diary.
I wish I had taken my own advice not other peoples,
I wish I had been more impulsive and decisive.
I wish I had learned more languages and not forgotten the ones I have.
I wish I had learned how to let go of earthly and emotional attachments.

Do I regret any of my mistakes emphatically NO. I wish I had made more.

The people that never fail, are the people that never try.

(I apologise for posting in the womens forum, my only qualification for that is I have loved a lot of them. Perhaps this thread should be moved to the general forum)

life is so unpredictable. you'll probably meet a fabulous woman who has never been diving, nor ever thought of going diving. and then what will you do???

Go diving?

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