I would not change a thing. My pain has made me the person I am today, for better or for worse. It would not be possible to do everything correct. Making mistakes and learning are key to my development. I constantly look at my life and ask "Am I Happy" I have many things to be happy about, I have loving friends, I have a good house, I have a good job, I have my health. I have interests and money enough to persue them. Sometimes I wish I had more, but that is not what life is all about for me. What I want out of life is happiness, a partner who I can love and trust, and perhaps Children. If those things do not come to be, then it was not ment to be.
I have just recently gone through a very hard breakup with a person I loved more then life. I have had to evaluate this as a learning experience. It hurt more then anything I have ever had to deal with. However, I have learned much about myself from it. For that I am grateful.
I have gone through many self evaluations that have forced me to change who I am, and what I am. I moved to Oregon from Miami because I realized I was on a dead end road. I believe that in any crisis, goals should be set and followed. Its not WHAT you have done, its where are you going, and are you happy with it. Money, companions, property or anything mean NOTHING unless they make you happy.
I go through Mini-crisis all the time, I look back and have said, What if I had done that.. It occurs to me that out of every wrong turn comes a new experience that makes the next few right.
Feeling alone, not knowing if what has been done was right, not knowing what is happening in the future, being scared of death, or Financial problems, and not being in control of life, are just a few things that cloud the water of life. These are all fears that I face, and so far they have not wittled away my zest for life.
I believe that Capt Kirk said it best. "My Pain is what made me WHO I am Today."
No I would not change a thing.
Well, That is probably not the answer you are asking about, but that is my Philosophy on life.