If you could ask TSA two questions..

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They do speak out against terrorism, and not all Muslims are extremist fanatics that want to destroy America. There is only a small percentage that are out to harm others, Islam is a peaceful religion and you shouldn’t condemn all Muslims based on a few actions of others. The fact that you have never heard about these is because you are not listening careful enough, I hear it all the time. Yes there has been a lot of activity recently from Islamic Extremism in the past 10 years, however, they are not the only problem out there. Racial Profiling is not the way to go about solving this issue, it only creates another one.
Yes there has been a lot of activity recently from Islamic Extremism in the past 10 years, however, they are not the only problem out there. Racial Profiling is not the way to go about solving this issue, it only creates another one.

Yes, the problem is that many are subjected to search at airports because of moslem extremists. It is they who created the problem and the rest of us who are being subjected to TSA. I haven't seen any moslem on the news talking about how the extremists should be condemned, not on ABC, NBC, BBC, CBS or Fox, if this has happened please tell me when, what day in the last ten years? Racial profiling would be the common sense way to go about having TSA do a more thorough job, not checking old people and children (which I've seen personaly).
Understanding why people do what they do and attempt to address those issues, makes more sense than attacking every member of a certain demographic. If you would like me to cite some other relevant information once I get home I will be happy to. From what I have now this might provide some insight.

From the Institue of Biosecurity:
"homegrown terrorism" - terrorist attacks perpetrated against Western democracies by their own citizens. Two of the three men recently arrested in a plot to reportedly attack a US airbase in Germany were German. Five of the seven suspects arrested in a domestic terrorist plot against Chicago’s Sears Tower in 2006 were from the US. The four men who carried out the 2005 London bombings resided in the United Kingdom. (Three were born in England; one was born in Jamaica and raised in London.) " Institute for Biosecurity Newsletter - Spring 2007

Also from the same report:
The recruitment and deployment of female terrorists has also added an unexpected dimension to demographic studies of terrorists. Various terrorist organizations such as Hamas, the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and more recently, Al Qaeda, have begun actively recruiting and using females. To date, there have been 10 documented female suicide bomber attacks in Iraq, according to a leading expert on the topic, Farhana Ali of Rand. (A 2005 Al Qaeda suicide bomber attack in Iraq was conducted by a 38-year-old female Belgian, a convert to Islam.) The most widely published analyses have examined the role of women as terrorist suicide bombers. Muslim female suicide bombers known as the "mujaidaat" have carried out attacks in Iraq, Israel, Chechnya, Uzbekistan, and Jordan. The Chechen "Black Widows" rose to prominence in Moscow in 2002 when they threatened to blow up a Moscow theater.

By the way its Muslim not Moslem. Let me ask you this, where is the largest population of Muslims? Middle east? Nope Indonesia.
It is a fact that the most likely terrorist are in age from 18 to 40, it is more likely that the terrorist is middle eastern/moslem background. Yes, there are others who have attempted terrorist actions who are from other ethnic backgound but take a look at what has transpired over the last 10 years and you'll find world wide that a demographic for terrorist does exist. Think about the last two world trade center bombings in America, the bombings in Australia, in Malasia, in Italy, in Britain and tell me these are not from the demographic that I have stated. This is not even including the the bombings in Israel, or any so called moslem country.
If people want to be proud to wear a Hijab then let them speak out against terrorism, I have never, repeat, never heard this happen! Let them condemn actions that show little respect, for their nieghbors and for countries that exude a point of freedom in religion. If this can not happen then what is the point of being proud to wear Hijab?
Why don't we hear DAILY about the moslems who are speaking out about human rights? Why would you be proud of a heritage that wants to kill westerners whose point of view/religion is different than theirs unless this is what you want the world to become?

You are simply very ignorant. Notice I did not say stupid. There IS a difference. You need to educate yourself more about world politics and religion. I'm not talking about just watching more U.S. ethnocentric, political-centric newscasts either. I don't mind you stating an opinion but mentioning "facts" which are anything but doesn't put you on the most secure ground to stand on.
  1. The following web page is produced through the cooperation of over 50 professors of Islamic Studies and Middle Eastern Studies from the US and Canada. These scholars are members of the Study of Islam section at the American Academy of Religion, the largest international organization responsible for the academic study of religion. Scholars of Islam & the Tragedy of Sept. 11th
  2. Washington Post: "Muslims Speak Out." http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/projects/muslimsspeakout/index.html
  3. Times Online: Muslims mourn silently and speak out against terrorism - Times Online
  4. New York Post: (This is a good one talks about why they have a hard time speaking out) DISSENT CRUSHED - New York Post
  5. MSNBC: US Muslims Issue Fatwa against terrorism. U.S. Muslims issue ‘fatwa’ against terrorism - U.S. news - MSNBC.com
I could go on if you would like.
If people want to be proud to wear a Hijab then let them speak out against terrorism, I have never, repeat, never heard this happen!

Because that doesn't sell newspapers or warrant a "BREAKING NEWS" crawler along the bottom of the screen on the 24hr news channels.

It's the old newspaper axiom: "Dog bites man" is not news, but "man bites dogs" is.
Well, I see you haven't found any reports on ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC, or Fox.......hmmm just one report on msnbc, wow that really went over BIG! You have ONE report of home grown terrorists.
Maybe you should be the one to help start the major networks around the world realize how peaceful the muslim religion is, I haven't experienced any others doing so.
The fact that most terrorism comes from muslim islamists is know world wide. Other scientists argue on the demographic of age, some say it's 18 to 40 others state it's 15 to 30, let's incompose it into 15 to 40 then.
If you could ask TSA two questions relating anything to what they do, what would you ask? I am taking a Trasnportation Security class at Ohio State and we are having the guy in charge of TSA from the local airport come in tommorow for a discussion panel. So do you have any questions you never get any answers for?
1. "Do you feel that TSA is accomplishing its primary objective of convincing the flying public that airline travel is safe, thus keeping the airlines solvent (relatively speaking)?"
2. "Do you feel that TSA is accomplishing its secondary goal of stimulating the economy?"
1. "Do you feel that TSA is accomplishing its primary objective of convincing the flying public that airline travel is safe, thus keeping the airlines solvent (relatively speaking)?"
2. "Do you feel that TSA is accomplishing its secondary goal of stimulating the economy?"

Where on earth did you get the idea that those are the primary and secondary objectives of the TSA?

TSA: Mission, Vision, and Core Values

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