If you could ask TSA two questions..

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one time. it was a bc hanger,another time it was a zeagle weight belt, no longer made,DAMNIT!.
The question is why!
big bucks on ebay...?

or are TSA employees REALLY stupid?
one time. it was a bc hanger,another time it was a zeagle weight belt, no longer made,DAMNIT!.
The question is why!
big bucks on ebay...?

or are TSA employees REALLY stupid?

No more so than someone who would buy a BC hanger in the first place.

I hate to say it, but every TSA agent at Denver International Airport is a complete idiot. They don't have a clue what scuba gear is and they can barely find their own arse with both hands and a road map. Come to my airport and try to prove me wrong.
I'd like to know why so many of them took the job with no idea as to what they were doing. I watched a female agent pat down my wife who is in wheelchair. I could have stashed a glock easily. Also why is profiling bad? Had we profiled in Sept of 2001 the towers would still be standing. We've known for years about the average terrorist. If it looks like a duck treat it like one until it proves otherwise. And I don't care what you do in your own country. If you will not allow a photo to be taken, or refuse to lower your MASK that you are hiding behind- walk! The fact that muslim terrorists are using women, children, and the mentally disabled is reason enough to require that they can be ID'd or they don't get on the plane, bus, train, ship, etc. It comes as no surprise that another domestic terrorist supporting group like the ACLU get their knickers in a twist when we try to do the right thing and treat terrorists like the danger they are. If the muslim community is so good why are they not loudly condemning the actions of those who make all of them look like trash. Are these good muslims the ones who were dancing in the streets after 911? Or the ones who were celebrating and mutilating those men on the bridge. A prudent course is to assume that those who say nothing when the enemy acts are the enemy. The men on the bridge were dead nothing could have saved them. Therefore a well placed napalm strike on those who were having the party would be IMO totally justified. Just like when they show hamas, islamic jihad, al quaeda, etc marching and parading. why not use the signal as a homing device and send a missile into their little parade? They wish to die to get to the 72 virgins? Give em the group plan! BTW they are really gonna be pissed when they find out the virgins are sheep. And doesn't it make you wonder what kind of religion tells you to kill yourself and innocent people and you will be rewarded by being given 72 young women to rape. AS the church lady says: "Could it be Satan?" If you're into numbers Satan has the same number of letters as Allah. and Mohammed has the same number as the demon Asmodeus. But maybe it's just a coincidence.
Honestly you need to read up a little more before making statements about things you dont understand.

Ok so I don’t know how to go about this so I guess I will just make a statement as to what was said about some of the things you inquired about. When asked, "why does my bag get searched at one place and not another", he responded Unpredictability and they do things "different the same everyday". I didn’t type that wrong that’s what he said. What he meant was if someone knew exactly why their bags were being searched in one place then they would know how to get around that certain layer of security.
One point that this gentleman made was that flying is not a right that you have it is a privilege and therefore by flying you accept the security screening and its procedures. They are rolling out a new system that can see through the layers of clothes, so in the future you don’t have to worry about piercing’s. I have been told that it is so good the change can be counted in your pocket as well as what side is facing out heads or tails. When asked about privacy issues, he stated previously that again flying is not a right, it is a privilege. The information about the privacy policy as well as the new system can be found here: Evolution of Security
"Layer of security" is a euphemism for not having a clue what they are doing. If they were serious about doing the job correctly, they would worry less about the little container of yogurt in my bag and more about my pocket knife.

I am not so concerned about privacy issues nor am I going to get into the profiling issue. What is an issue is the agency itself. If we want true airport security, then hire competent federal agents with true police powers much like the US Marshal's Service. Also, give these individuals intensive training and empower them with the ability to make individual decisions as opposed to blanket policy directives. The individuals that work for TSA are the lowest common denominator of the available workforce earning roughly 15.00 US dollars an hour. Now do we really trust a 15.00 dollar an hour rent a cop with national security? That by itself shows that our government is not truly serious about airport security.
There are layers of security weither you want to admit it or not, its there. They do have a law enforcement section of the TSA that handles sercurity issues, they also work closly with the local law enforcement providing grants for improving the security, like K9 units. You pay some military service members less than you pay the TSA screener at the airport.
Had we profiled in Sept of 2001 the towers would still be standing. We've known for years about the average terrorist. If it looks like a duck treat it like one until it proves otherwise.
It comes as no surprise that another domestic terrorist supporting group like the ACLU get their knickers in a twist when we try to do the right thing and treat terrorists like the danger they are. If the muslim community is so good why are they not loudly condemning the actions of those who make all of them look like trash. Are these good muslims the ones who were dancing in the streets after 911? Or the ones who were celebrating and mutilating those men on the bridge. A prudent course is to assume that those who say nothing when the enemy acts are the enemy.

Well said, did you ever wonder what the heck do the women get who blow themselves up?
They do speak out against terrorism, and not all Muslims are extremist fanatics that want to destroy America. There is only a small percentage that are out to harm others, Islam is a peaceful religion and you shouldn’t condemn all Muslims based on a few actions of others. ...
You're right... however, I daresay that most of today's extremist fanatics that want to destroy America are Muslims... (at least those conducting hijackings, suicide bombings, kidnappings and beheadings...)

I happen to agree with profiling in this instance... Political correctness is fine when it doesn't hinder safety and security... It may not have completely negated 911, however, we'll never know for sure... will we...

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