If you could ask TSA two questions..

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I happen to agree with profiling in this instance... Political correctness is fine when it doesn't hinder safety and security...

Me too! However, the profile is anyone who gets on a plane.
No matter what one report says when it comes to what JimLap said " if the muslim community is so good why aren't they LOUDLY condeming the actions of all who make all of them look like trash"
I agree, where are all those who should be in the streets proclaiming that the fundamentalist muslims are not what islam is about? We should see it every day, we should be hearing it on every network, we should be hearing it from all countries. Instead we hear only about those who are condoning the actions of terrorists, and we hear this from every muslim country as well as from mulims in our own country. The proof is in the your quote about the Institute for Biosecurity Newsletter - Spring 2007. These are muslims and they are american
I agree that you need to profile an individual to narrow the down the search for people looking to harm United States interests and citizens. However the bases of that search should not be race, ethnicity, religion, or nationality. I found this article interesting Racial Profiling in an Age of Terrorism http://www.scu.edu/ethics/publications/ethicalperspectives/profiling.html
It brings up a lot of points that we have talked about here.

This is a quote from Chris E. McGoey, CPP, CSP, CAM, a professional security consultant,"
What Should We Do?

So what policy do we follow as a nation? I think we stick with our system of laws and seek out the perpetrators of terrorism in our country and where they live in the World. I believe we must continue to support our commitment to individual civil rights. I think everyone should be treated equally as potential terrorist at key points of transportation or other high-profile public targets. I believe we should judge people based on their conduct and not by their ethnicity or religious belief. Obviously, these are not normal times but they will be again soon. We all need to be a little more patient and understanding as we all sort through this difficult time together. We cannot afford to throw away our system of laws and decency in response to terrorism.
If we do…they win." (Racial Profiling, In the Name of Terrorism, security consultant, Chris McGoey, racial profiling expert)
Just because something doesnt happen on channel 7 or 9 on the news doesnt mean it isnt happening.

No matter what one report says when it comes to what JimLap said " if the muslim community is so good why aren't they LOUDLY condeming the actions of all who make all of them look like trash"
I agree, where are all those who should be in the streets proclaiming that the fundamentalist muslims are not what islam is about? We should see it every day, we should be hearing it on every network, we should be hearing it from all countries. Instead we hear only about those who are condoning the actions of terrorists, and we hear this from every muslim country as well as from mulims in our own country. The proof is in the your quote about the Institute for Biosecurity Newsletter - Spring 2007. These are muslims and they are american
No matter what one report says when it comes to what JimLap said " if the muslim community is so good why aren't they LOUDLY condeming the actions of all who make all of them look like trash"
I agree, where are all those who should be in the streets proclaiming that the fundamentalist muslims are not what islam is about?

We should see it every day, we should be hearing it on every network, we should be hearing it from all countries. Instead we hear only about those who are condoning the actions of terrorists, and we hear this from every muslim country as well as from mulims in our own country. The proof is in the your quote about the Institute for Biosecurity Newsletter - Spring 2007. These are muslims and they are american

Ever notice that white men love to label any group of people that are easily identifiable based on race, religion, country of origin, sexual orientation, etc as "the XXXXXX community."

The "Black community"

The "Hispanic community"

The "Gay community"

The "Jewish community"

We then assume that these people act as a single monolithic group, and demand that whenever a handful of people in these "communities" go bad that the rest of the group has to rise up in opposition to the bad apples.

However, no one ever seems to demand that the "white community" express their collective ire when a "member of the white community" commits a crime or act.
Why must we remove shoes and leave our gels and liquids behind in the states when there are no such checks in foreign countries? I just returned from Mexico last week and the security screen was much easier than the screens I endure every month to Commute to Alaska.

When we left Cozumel in Feb., we found the security at the airport to be stricter than the US. They would not allow ANY bottled water, bottled pop, etc, after the security checkpoint for carryons, onto the plane. Stuff you can buy there while waiting to board) Also, emb. scissors, that pass thru US checkpoints weren't allowed at all thru their checkpoints. I even saw a crochet needle in the banned bin. Thank goodness I didn't bring along any knitting! Maggi
Ever notice that white men love to label any group of people ...
I don't know... sounds like you're labeling to me...
However, no one ever seems to demand that the "white community" express their collective ire when a "member of the white community" commits a crime or act.

I think you made a mistake, as it hasn't been one member of the muslim community, it's been muslims as a whole communities who have indicated by dancing in the street when it comes to killing Americans, who want you dead because they don't believe in freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, ect., 911 was more than just a crime and an act.
I think you made a mistake, as it hasn't been one member of the muslim community, it's been muslims as a whole communities who have indicated by dancing in the street when it comes to killing Americans...

Wow, I didn't realize that every single muslim in the US was dancing in the street all at one time. I can't imagine how I missed that. Come to think of it...

- I can't recall any of my muslim co-workers trying to kill me at the office.

- My muslim neighbors have yet to bomb my house.

- I've managed to elude having my throat slit by any of my clients or customers that are muslim.

I guess they're all just waiting for orders from "muslim central command."

Hrmm so out of the 5,771,939,007 people on earth you saw the 1,482,596,925 Muslims all dancing in the street, 26% of the ENTIRE world population was celebrating this?

Stats obtained from here:
The number of the total population has been taken from The CIA World's Facts Book which can be found at: http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook
The CIA World's Facts Book was used it to verify the total number of population in every country. But since it lacks the percentage of Muslims in each country, we used another statistic located at: http://www.flash.net/~royal/country.html
In 1986, the Muslim Education Trust organization (MET) located in the United Kingdom and directed by Ghulam Sarwar, obtained the 1971 census and information given by Embassies of the respective countries in London. The 1971 census showed the Independent Muslim countries population was around 784.5 Million and the Muslim Minorities countries had around 308 Million Muslim.
As for the U.N., the Briticana Encyclopidia for 1994 and for 1995 was used to get the growth rates. Briticana took those statistics from the U.N.
The final numbers were obtained by plugging in the percentage of Muslims (taken from MET) and the number of people (taken from CIA) in each country using Microsoft Excel.

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