If you could ask TSA two questions..

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I would like to think that this is a deliberate policy skillfully designed to keep bad guys from doing any constructive planning to evade security.

In reality I think it is just incompetance.

That is what the TSA says. Well, the part about changing up procedures to throw the bad guys off track... :D
Why can I carry 5 books of matches on but have to take my shoes off? I guess that will hold until someone catches their seat on fire.

Can anyone still ship cargo in the belly of the plane that no one has inspected? :confused:
When my shoes set off the explosive detector why did the two screeners bang them on the table while waiting for a supervisor to come clear them? Chemlawn had just sprayed my lawn and I walked across it to the mail box just before going to the airport.
Why can I carry 5 books of matches on but have to take my shoes off? I guess that will hold until someone catches their seat on fire.

Can anyone still ship cargo in the belly of the plane that no one has inspected? :confused:
As far as I know yes. The reason that I was given was that the cost and time it would take to search all of the cargo that goes on an aircraft would be to high and take to long. It was also mentioned that the airlines have been against the implementation of this as well because of the delays and increased wait time that it would produce. This was information not from TSA nor from the Airline company, so I dont know how much value it holds.
Mine, too. I always get those little colored fliers in every bag saying they saw my backplate so they went through my underwear. .

My funniest TSA moment was when clothes were all over the counter for several
people. I woman picks up a pair of underwear (w/o gloves) and asks "is this your clean underwear?"

I replied "No... it's my dirty underwear you're holding in your hand....."
(The look on her face was priceless)

Why do make me take my shoes off but completely ignore anything being carried as cargo?
(All air cargo will be screened. By 2010!!!!! ) Welcome To Air Cargo World -- Breaking News

If I wanted to blow up a plane all I need do is ship my bomb overnight !

Excellent question.

Can anyone still ship cargo in the belly of the plane that no one has inspected? :confused:

The answer to that is yes and no. You have to be listed as a "known shipper". But
to do that means that you just have to fill out the initial paperwork just once X
number of days before hand. Then you can ship anything you want. It is rarely
inspected. When I say rarely, I mean hardly ever, almost never.
I am assuming you are talking about TSA agents and not management.

1. How often do you get passengers that don't treat you like a moron and show a little respect like they would like to be treated if they did your job?

2. How many times a day do you have to explain why you have to enforce policy that you did not develop or have any control over?
What value is security if we have to give up liberty to get it? Live free or die!

Shouldn't we focus on someone shipping a nuke in a cargo container, rather than someone with a shoe bomb on an airplane? It's protecting 300 lives at the expense of potentially 300,000. I say, take all the TSA employees out of the airports and move them to the ports and teach them how to search containers. Something like only 1% of containers coming into this county are searched.
I have absolutely no sympathy for individual agents. I work at the airport and I can honestly say that every single one of them is an absolute idiot without exception. The only reason they took the job was because they failed their civil service exam.

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