I Still Feel Like I'm On The Boat

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I've just gotten home from a week of diving in Jamaica and I still feel like I'm rocking from time to time. It's mainly when I have to quickly shift my eyes, but it takes me a few days to equalize out.
Question: Do you people who rock for a few days ever get seasick? So far (knock wood) I haven't. I'm wondering if the prolonged feeling that I'm still on the boat has something to do with it? Like even after a day trip, I'll "rock" for a few hours afterward. And like someone mentioned, when you're trying to sleep, it is kind of comforting.
Its kind of bein a problem for alot of sailors a long ways back, it takes the lubbers quite some time to get their sea legs, and when a sailor used to go on land after being at sea for a long time it would take them time to get their land legs back.
when lying in bed put one foot on the floor no thats for when your head is spinning from a drinking binge the night before.....
It still might work
I rocked for a couple months after I got out of the Coast Guard. I remember walking in the mall with my mother and someone called my name.....I turned around rather quickly and darn near lost my cookies. :l:
I had this for a little while after coming back from a patrol in the North/Irish Sea (75'ish days at sea). Alcohol therepy might make it worse but fun to try.
This has never happened to me for more than a short while after getting off a boat, but, it's a constant situation for my wife. When we had a sailboat and used to spend several days at a time on the water, she claimed that she was still rocking for a week or so afterwards. Same thing on the dive boats (even long plane flights, for that matter).

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